The northern province of Hoa Binh was full of music and patriotism as the 10th Public Music Festival for the armed forces, youths and students successfully concluded.


Dance performance "Memory" by the Cao Phong district troupe depicts frontier transporters using bicycles to carry supplies to the Dien Bien Phu battlefield.

The festival, themed "Forever Singing the Army March", featured a diverse array of artistic performances. Troupes performed in various genres, including singing, dancing, and drama, all praising the Party, beloved Uncle Ho, love for the homeland and country, and the enduring tradition of the Vietnam People’s Army, Military Region 3, and the heroic armed forces of Hoa Binh province, encompassing their growth, battles and continuous development.

Over two days, more than 300 performers and musicians from 10 art troupes presented 48 captivating performances at the festival, reliving Vietnam's glorious struggle history and reflecting the new missions of the armed forces.

Through the festival, the audiences were taken back to the nation's glorious past, with the noble image of "Uncle Ho’s soldiers" and the spirited enthusiasm of today’s youth. Each performance was an epic vividly reflecting social life from various perspectives, approaches and expressions. With a spirit of serious artistic creativity, passionate dedication and high responsibility, the troupes delivered remarkable performances, leaving a strong impression on the public.

Trinh Van Bac, deputy head of the provincial ethnic art troupe, highlighted the festival's significant artistic improvement. He commended the troupes' efforts in selecting content and innovating their staging techniques. Tight compositions, clear ideological themes, and high artistic value were evident throughout the event. The meticulous use of stage space, scenery, props, LED displays, sound effects and lighting all contributed to the festival's captivating atmosphere.

Quach Dang Phu, Political Commissar of the provincial Military Command, said the festival has truly become a cultural and spiritual celebration of local officers, soldiers, and residents. It was also an opportunity to review the local armed forces’ journey of building, fighting, and maturing. Furthermore, the event served to uphold the cherished qualities of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" in the contemporary era, thus fostering robust military-civilian solidarity. It was also meant to mark the 70th anniversary of the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory, the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army, and the 35th anniversary of the All-People National Defence Festival.

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