The project on preserving and promoting cultural values of the Muong ethnic group and the Hoa Binh civilisation for 2023-2030 in Hoa Binh province has been approved, helping promote and popularise the region and the people of Hoa Binh while developing unique tourism products to attract domestic and international tourists, contributing to the province's socio-economic development in the near future.

Nguyen Trong Nghia, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, head of the Party Central Committee's Communications and Education Commission, and other leaders and delegates attending the conference to deploy the project on preserving and promoting the cultural values of the Muong ethnic group and the "Hoa Binh civilisation” in the 2023 - 2030 period in Hoa Binh province.

Officials of the People's Committee of Yen Phu commune (Lac Son) visit the Lang Vanh Stone Roof relic - a place with many relics of "Hoa Binh civilisation".


The Muong ethnic people make up more than 63% of Hoa Binh’s population. Over the years, the province has placed a special emphasis on preserving and promoting the cultural values of the group’s unique cultural values.

The Khai ha festival of the Muong ethnic group in Hoa Binh, the biggest and oldest traditional folk event indispensable to the community on the occasion of the lunar new year, was held in early 2023, marking a highlight in the province's cultural events this year. In 2022, the festival was recognised as a national intangible cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

Regarding intangible cultural heritage, numerous Muong cultural relics have been discovered within the province, such asthe ancient tomb clusters in Dong Thech, Kim Truy (Kim Boi), Lo hamlet (now Muong Lo hamlet), Luy hamlet (now Luy Ai hamlet), and Dong Bay (Tan Lac).

The value of the Muong ethnic traditional stilt houses and clothing has also garnered increasing attention in recent times. Muong gong art, featured prominently in the province's festivals, has been extensively invested in and expanded. In 2016, the art was included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage.

Additionally, the inventory of intangible cultural heritage for the purposes of preservation and promotion has been a focus. As a result, 267 Muong heritages of this kind have been documented.

Muong ethnic cultural values are invaluable assets that unite the Vietnamese ethnic community. The Muong people in Hoa Binh province have created unique cultural values from customs, practices, beliefs, cuisine, folk songs, proverbs, festivals, folk knowledge and Mo Muong (a type of folk rite practiced at funerals or rituals). Meanwhile, the "Hoa Binh civilisation” had an important position during the Stone Age in Vietnam, as well as the world. It is also an extremely valuable asset to humanity.

Outstanding artisan, cultural researcher Bui Huy Vong in Huong Nhuong commune, Lac Son district, said that over the past time, attention has been paid to the preservation and promotion of the values of the Muong cultural heritage. Many typical intangible cultural heritages of the Muong ethnic group have been recognised as national heritages such as Mo Muong Hoa Binh, Muong gong art, and Khai ha festival.


Nhuong emphsised that the most common typical values of the Muong national cultural heritage are to uphold the spirit of patriotism, love, solidarity, national unity, and cohesion of clans and communities, and family values, among others.

To preserve and promote the cultural values of the Muong ethnic group and the "Hoa Binh civilisation", provincial authorities have supported artisans to participate in the work and encouraged scientists to study them.


Nguyen Van Viet, Director of the Centre for Prehistory of Southeast Asia, stressed the meaning of human heritage of the Hoa Binh civilisation. The province has affirmed its role as the host by hosting many conferences and organising reconnaissance, excavation and scientific seminars.

Especially, in 2017, Hoa Binh successfully hosted the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the world recognition of the "Hoa Binh civilisation" and the 90th anniversary of the province’s establishment in 2022. The province needs to promote cultural values associated with tourism development, bringing income to people and contributing to the budget.

According to experts, the province needs to focus on restoring typical traditional festivals and folk games in association with developing unique and attractive tourism products as well as promoting unique traditional festivals, traditional costumes, houses on stilts, folk songs, Muong gongs, Mo Muong, and beautiful customs of the Muong ethnic group in Hoa Binh. Muong people’s language has been taught at several schools in the province.


The concerted solutions are expected to have practical effects in exploiting the value of the Muong ethnic cultural heritage and the "Hoa Binh civilisation". They will contribute to arousing pride and becoming a driving force for the socio-economic development of Hoa Binh province in the near future, gradually transforming the economic structure, labour structure, and occupations in rural areas, increasing income, reducing poverty sustainably for people, especially the Muong ethnic people in highland and remote areas and creating valuable cultural products, and serving sustainable tourism development.

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