Over the past years, the "All people stay united to build a civilised lifestyle” movement has spread across Hoa Binh province, been connected with other movements and campaigns, and received strong support from people of all social strata, thereby helping improve the spiritual life of local residents.

The "All people stay united to build a civilised lifestyle” movement, connected with the building of new-style countryside and civilised urban areas, has been implemented across the province. Photo taken in Residential Zone 17 of Tan Thinh ward, Hoa Binh city.

In 2023, the "All people stay united to build a civilised lifestyle” movement was carried out extensively in district-level localities. The provincial steering board for the movement issued plans, directions, and guidance while asking localities to effectively implement the drive at the grassroots level.

Attention was paid to the implementation of all the five aspects of the movement: developing livelihoods, assisting one another to legally become rich, and reducing poverty; building a green, clean, beautiful, and safe cultural environment; developing a civilised lifestyle and promoting adherence to social discipline, the Constitution, and law; building cultural and sports facilities and improving the quality of grassroots cultural and sports activities; and promoting sound political thought.

Besides, the "Good person, good deed” movement; the development of families, residential zones, agencies, units, and businesses of culture; along with the campaigns encouraging all people to build new-style countryside and civilised urban areas, practice physical exercise, study, and work creatively also attracted the participation of a large number of officials and people of ethnic groups in Hoa Binh province.

The provincial People’s Committee granted certificates of agencies, units, and businesses of culture for the 2018 - 2022 period to 185 collectives. Last year, 191,833 of the 217,236 local households, equivalent to 88.3%, obtained the title of "Family of culture” while 1,428 of the 1,482 residential zones, or 96.3%, earned the "Residential Zone of Culture” title.

Luu Huy Linh, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said the "All people stay united to build a civilised lifestyle” movement has been carried out in a substantive, practical, and effective manner. It has helped strengthen the great national solidarity, uphold the fine traditions of each clan, family and community, and also enhance solidarity and harmony in families and communities to contribute to livelihood and economic development.

The movement has also helped implement the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws while building a progressive life to contribute to national industrialisation, modernisation, and an advanced culture deeply imbued with the national identity.

In addition, political security and social order and safety have been sustained and kept stable, creating conditions for the realisation of socio-economic development targets. People’s material and spiritual lives have also been improved, Linh said.

To press on with the "All people stay united to build a civilised lifestyle” movement in 2024, all-level steering boards will continue implementing central agencies and the province’s directions on culture, boost the effective implementation of this movement to fulfill set tasks and targets, and develop more "good persons, good deeds” and role models. They will also maintain and improve the quality of the "All people stay united to build new-style countryside and civilised urban areas” campaign along with the national target programme on new-style countryside building. Checks will also be stepped up to ensure the quality of movement implementation, according to the official.


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