In addition to their love for traditional sports, people in communes and towns in Lac Son district also have a special passion for volleyball - a sport that is easy to play, helping enhance collectivity and bring a lot of joy, motivation, and laughter.


Fans are watching and cheering for athletes of the Vu Binh and Chi Dao commune teams at the men's and women's volleyball tournament in Lac Son district in 2024.

Residents in Chau Trong hamlet, Quyet Thang commune practice volleyball together from 6 - 7am and 5 - 7pm every day.

Bui Van Nien, head of the hamlet, said volleyball is loved by many people because they can play it and the sport is suitable for many ages to improve health. It also brings everyone a happy spirit every day. For that reason, the movement to practice this sport is vibrant and widespread in all hamlets of the commune.

Thanks to men's and women's volleyball competitions, the festive atmosphere at the Khoi communal house festival in An Nghia commune, the Khanh communal house festival in Van Son commune, the Coi communal house festival in Vu Binh commune, the Khu DungBuddha procession festival in Nhan Nghia commune, and the Muong Voi swing festival in Vu Ban town on the occasion of the Year of the Dragon 2024 were more jubilant and excited.

Bui Thi Lan, a member of the women's union of At hamlet (Vu Binh commune), said volleyball helps enhance neighborliness and community cohesion.

Along with the volleyball practice movement among the people, many tournaments at grassroots and district levels have been organised to promote the movement.

Many qualifying tournaments were held before the district-level men's and women's volleyball championships in 2024.

In March, as part of practical activities to celebrate International Women's Day (March 8), the 93rdanniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCM CYU),
men's and women's volleyball tournaments were organised in the communes of Nhan Nghia, Vu Binh, Quyet Thang, Van Nghia, and Ngoc Son.

The movement has been also promoted at schools, attracting a large number of students to participate in.

According to Bui Thi Tham, Director of the district Centre for Culture, Sports and Communications, said volleyball is a sport with strong appeal, loved and practiced by the majority of local people. The passion for volleyball spreads widely among all classes of people, contributing to promoting the movement of sports practice in the community.

The district has over 45,000 people practicing sports regularly, with more than 70 sports clubs established. Tournaments and grassroots volleyball movements have helped select outstanding athletes to compete in xprovincial-level tournaments. 


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