Sixteen Palestinians were killed and more than 400 injured on May 14 during heavy confrontations between hundreds of angry Palestinian protestors and Israeli soldiers in eastern Gaza Strip close to the border with Israel, medics said.

Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli troops along the Gaza Strip border. (Photo:AP)


Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesman of the health ministry in Gaza said in a short text message sent to reporters that 16 Palestinian demonstrators were killed and more than 400 wounded, with 250 injured by Israeli live gunshots in eastern Gaza Strip.

Hundreds of Palestinian demonstrators cut barbed wire of border fence between eastern Gaza Strip and Israel and managed to enter into Israel. Some of them burned tires.

The Monday (May 14) protests were organized by the National Commission of the Great Marches of Return in eastern Gaza Strip, which have been going on since March 30. Monday's rallies were also against moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

The Great Marches of Return was organized to mark 70 years of the Palestinian Nakba Day or "Day of Catastrophe," which coincides with the 70th anniversary of Israel's declaration of independence.


                              Source: NDO

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