Thailand’s Labour Minister Adul Saengsingkaew plans to invite officials from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, to discuss cooperation on migrant worker employment in order to deal with the shortages of labour in Thailand's fishing industry.

Thailand’s Labour Minister Adul Saengsingkaew plans to invite officials from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, to discuss cooperation on migrant worker employment in order to deal with the shortages of labour in Thailand's fishing industry (Source:

Regarding the shortages of migrant workers in fishing industry as complained by the Thai Fisheries Association, he said that the Ministry of Labour has discussed with the related agencies ways and means to fill in a total of 42,649 workers requested by the fishing industry.

He said business owners in fishing sector who wish to hire more migrant workers have untilAugust 15, 2018to file a request at any employment office in 22 coastal provinces, while the Ministry of Labour will liaise with the authorities from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam to import migrant workers to work legally through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The Ministry of Labour has invited those in fishing sector and the authorities to a meeting on August 7 to be briefed on the process of importing migrant workers and other unsolved issues for mutual understanding.

Meanwhile, some 11,000 migrant workers in fishing industry whose work permit will expire onSeptember 30, 2018will have it extended for two more years by reporting to an employment office duringAugust 20- September 30.

In the meantime, employers have to file requests for the migrant workers employment at employment offices in due time.

Source: VNA


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