The 24th dialogue between ASEAN and the Republic of Korea (RoK) was held via video conference on August 26.

                                      Delegates join the online dialogue (Photo: VNA)

The two sides agreed to continue effectively implementing the ASEAN-Korea Action Plan, promote cooperation in preventing and mitigating the impact of COVID-19, boost economic recovery, and enhance cooperation in priority areas such as marine, trade, investment, connectivity, micro, small and medium enterprise development, energy and food security, cultural exchanges, people-to-people exchanges, natural disaster prevention, and climate change adaptation.


ASEAN member states consider the RoK a long-standing and close partner of the bloc and have recognised its cooperation and active support for efforts building the ASEAN Community.

They also welcomed the RoK doubling its financial contribution to the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund from US$7 million to US$14 million, and thanked the country for donating US$1 million to the ASEAN Fund in response to COVID-19, presenting a package of medical equipment and supplies worth US$5 million, providing postgraduate scholarships worth US$8 million to ASEAN countries, and making available US$6 million for implementing people-to-people exchanges.

The RoK, meanwhile, affirmed it will beef up cooperation with ASEAN through the US$10-million COVID-19 rapid response programme as well as strengthen coordination with the bloc in studying and developing vaccines and medicines.

It also pledged to support ASEAN in developing its digital economy and overcoming the economic impact of the pandemic.

In regard to the regional and international situation, the two sides agreed to work closely in promoting dialogue, building trust, and contributing to maintaining peace, security, and stability in the region.

They urged stakeholders to resume dialogue, fully implement resolutions from the UN Security Council and agreements, promote cooperation, and maintain peace, stability, and denuclearisation on the Korean Peninsula.

The RoK supports ASEAN’s stance on and emphasised the importance of maintaining peace, stability, security, safety, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea, respecting international law, and addressing any disputes via peaceful means and international law.

Representing Vietnam which is the Chair of ASEAN 2020, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung, who is also head of SOM ASEAN Vietnam, highlighted ASEAN’s efforts and solidarity in a "cohesive and responsive” spirit to overcome the difficulties posed by the global pandemic.

He spoke highly of the RoK’s role in coordinating with China and Japan to successfully host the special ASEAN Plus 3 Summit on COVID-19 response.

The diplomat called on the RoK to actively support the ASEAN Fund for COVID-19 response and the ASEAN regional emergency medical material reserve.

He affirmed that ASEAN will continue promoting relations with its partners, including the RoK, in a spirit of mutual trust and respect, win-win cooperation, and respect for law, and will join hands to maintain peace, security, centrality, and stability in Southeast Asia.

The 10 ASEAN member countries are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Source: NDO

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