Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and head of Vietnam’s ASEAN SOM Nguyen Quoc Dung on October 8 chaired the joint Consultative Meeting (JCM).

                 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung at the meeting (Photo: Bao Quoc Te)

Dung briefed the meeting on preparations for the 37th ASEAN Summit and related meetings slated for November, saying Vietnam, as ASEAN Chair 2020, is making all-out efforts in the work.

There will be a total of 11 high-level meetings from November 13-15, including those between the grouping and its partners, along with diverse sidelines activities, according to the official.

Delegates lauded Vietnam’s raising and promoting initiatives in the year, which, they said, have significantly contributed to ASEAN Community building, as well as the country’s efforts in COVID-19 combat and economic recovery.

The countries pledged to closely coordinate with each other in order to complete priorities set for the year, and plans on pandemic prevention and control.

The participants also touched upon regional connectivity and integration, saying inter-pillar issues should be handled scientifically and comprehensively, with suitable visions.

The same day, the ASEAN Coordinating Council Working Group (ACCWG) convened its 10th meeting in the form of a teleconference to discuss Timor-Leste’s ASEAN membership application.

ASEAN spoke highly of Timor-Leste’s resolve and efforts to join the grouping, and agreed to continue helping the country improve its capacity, gradually meeting requirements and obligations for ASEAN membership.

Dung said Vietnam will continue to provide suitable support for Timor-Leste, focusing on sharing experience in the preparation work.

Source: NDO

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