The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held a videoconference on March 25 to look into the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue.

In his remarks at the event, Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, expressed concern about the developments at the site, especially when the Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank shows no signs of ceasing.

He held that these activities, together with a series of others impeding the life of Palestinians such as demolitions, will increase differences among parties, hamper the resumption of talks, and narrow opportunities to obtain lasting and sustainable solutions to the Palestinian issue.

Regarding the Middle East Peace Process, Vietnam welcomes and supports all the initiatives and efforts that can help promote this process, he noted, adding that the country calls on the parties to exercise self-restraint and not take actions or make any statements that may further complicate the situation.

In terms of the coming elections in Palestine, Quy urged the parties concerned to create favourable conditions for the elections in all areas, including East Jerusalem.

The diplomat also highlighted Vietnam’s strong support for UN agencies, especially the UN Relief and Works Agency, to provide humanitarian aid for people in distress, and that Vietnam calls on all parties to continue facilitating humanitarian assistance and vaccine transportation and distribution in the time ahead.

Source: NDO

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