Indonesia’s investment activities are becoming more eventful as total investment capital in the third quarter rose 13.7 percent to 176.6 trillion rupiah (over 13.3 billion USD), higher than 155.3 trillion rupiah (about 11.7 billion USD) in the same time last year.

A view of Jakarta, Indonesia (Source: Internet)

According to Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), from January to September, investment in Indonesia reached 513.2 trillion rupiah (37.8 billion USD), including 195.7 trillion rupiah (14.42 billion USD) of domestic investment and 318.5 trillion rupiah (23.48 billion USD) of foreign capital, accounting for 37.9 percent and 62.1 percent of the total, respectively.

Statistics showed that investment activities in the third quarter created jobs for 286,500 labourers who work for 109,711 domestic projects and 176,786 foreign-invested ones.

BKPM Chairman Thomas Lembong said that the growth in investment showed an economic transformation thanks to effectiveness of Joko Widodo’s policies. He added that the trend of change from consuming to production and investment is becoming more obvious.

                                     Source: VNA 

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