Vietnam will continue making positive contributions to developing ASEAN - Japan relations in a more effective and practical manner, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh told the 24th ASEAN - Japan Summit held via videoconference on October 27.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attends the virtual 24th ASEAN - Japan Summit on October 27. (Photo: VNA)

PM Chinh held that the two sides should coordinate closely with each other in restoring and stabilising supply chains disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, create favourable conditions and provide maximum support for Japanese enterprises and investors to maintain stable production and business in the region and Vietnam.

The PM proposed Japan help ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, to develop strategic infrastructure, boost even and inclusive development, fuel green growth, conduct digital transformation, develop a digital economy, and aid businesses’ recovery in the post-pandemic period.

He underlined the significance of bolstering cooperation, trust building, and response to challenges so as to sustain peace, security, and stability in the region, including in the East Sea/South China Sea and the Korean Peninsula.

PM Chinh welcomed Japan’s support to ASEAN in ensuring stability, security, safety, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea via dialogue, strengthening trust, promoting the relevant parties’ commitments and responsible behaviour, resolving disputes through peaceful measures, and upholding international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), a framework regulating actions and activities at seas and oceans.

He appreciated countries’ support to and cooperation with Vietnam during 2018 - 2021, when it served as the coordinator of ASEAN - Japan relations.

The Vietnamese leader hailed the recent progress in ASEAN - Japan ties amid current difficulties, asking both sides to continue promoting their priorities and working with each other to put the COVID-19 pandemic under control and recover effectively and sustainably.

He called for cooperation to improve the capacity of responding to future public health emergencies, spoke highly Japan’s vaccine assistance to ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, and pledged efforts to accelerate the establishment and effective operation of the ASEAN Centre for Public Health Emergencies and Emerging Diseases (AC-PHEED).

Leaders of ASEAN and Japan attend the summit via videoconference on October 27. (Photo: VNA)

At the event, ASEAN leaders and Japanese PM Kishida Fumio applauded recent strides in bilateral relations. Leaders of ASEAN countries appreciated Japan’s assistance to the bloc in the COVID-19 fight.

PM Kishida affirmed that Japan attaches importance to its partnership with ASEAN, and supports the bloc’s centrality in the regional architecture and the ASEAN Community building. He also pledged to enhance bilateral cooperation.

He noted that Japan will assist the AC-PHEED to operate sustainably, help ASEAN narrow the development gap and develop sub-regions, and invest more resources to help the bloc with climate change response, green growth, and sustainable development.

The Japanese PM invited ASEAN leaders to attend a special summit celebrating the 50th founding anniversary of bilateral ties in Japan in 2023.

With regard to regional and international issues, leaders of ASEAN and Japan emphasised the importance of dialogue, cooperation, trust building, and respect for international law. They agreed to coordinate with each other to guarantee peace, security, and stability in the region, including security and safety of navigation in the East Sea.

Affirming Japan’s support for the ASEAN stance on the East Sea, PM Kishida welcomed the bloc’s role in promoting cooperation, dialogue, and trust building in the region, fully implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and building an efficient and effective Code of Conduct (COC) in the East Sea that accords with international law and the 1982 UNCLOS.

Japan also vowed support for ASEAN’s role in boosting dialogue and reconciliation in Myanmar and helping seek solutions to the situation in the Southeast Asian country.

Suorce: NDO

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