In recent years, beekeeping in Van Nghia commune, Lac Son district, has seen significant economic growth, yielding high returns. The honey produced here, rated with a 3-star of the One Commune One Product (OCOP) programme for its high quality, has established a reputable presence in the market and become the primary source of income for many families in the area.

Van Nghia Honey, a 3-star OCOP product, is available at various grocery stores and shopping points across Lac Son.

According to Chairman of the Van Nghia People's Committee Bui Van Luyen, recognising the suitability of beekeeping to the natural conditions and climate of the locality, residents have long developed many beekeeping models and planted forest to provide abundant food sources for the bees. With low risks and expenses and a stable market for product consumption, beekeeping has been a vital livelihood for many households. Its development has significantly contributed to poverty reduction and improves the lives of locals.

Bui Van Luot, a resident of Am hamlet with many years of experience in beekeeping, currently manages over 120 beehives, which yield nearly 1.5 tonnes of honey per harvest.

Luot said: "In recent years, with the experience of beekeeping, and efforts to meet clean product standards, my family's honey has always been in high demand for purchase. While market price for honey is 180,000 VND per litre, our 3-star OCOP honey fetches 250,000 VND per litre. After deducting expenses, honey brings in over 50 million VND in income for my family annually."

At present, the commune boasts over 1,500 beehives, mainly concentrated in the hamlets of Am, Don, Pheo, and Doi. Households have adopted scientific and technological advances, producing honey according to clean standards. In December 2023, Van Nghia Honey achieved a 3-star OCOP certification at the provincial level. Currently, a 30-member cooperative of honey beekeepers has been established, enhancing the competitiveness of its products in the market.

The commune has also intensified promotion and advertising through various channels, including social media, bringing its honey closer to larger markets within and outside the province and making it known to many consumers.

Building on the effectiveness of honey beekeeping, Van Nghia is mobilising residents to exploit the advantages of hillside forests, increase bee colonies, and apply sci-tech advances in care, develop the colonies. The authorities are also helping farmers access loans, creating livelihoods, addressing employment, and increasing income for the local residents.

The local average annual per capita income now stands at 47 million VND per year.

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