Most workers at enterprises in the northern province of Hoa Binh have turned to work just one week after the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday.

Workers of Pacific Co. Ltd, which is located at Thong Nhat Ward, Hoa Binh City, return to work after the Tet holiday. 

Located at Hoa Binh city’s Thong Nhat Ward, Pacific Co. Ltd, a foreign-invested enterprise, produces pickles for export to Japan. The company gained 2.5 million USD in revenue last year. 

Nguyen Ngoc Hoang, the company’s CEO, said that this year the company targets revenue of about 3 million USD, adding that it has received orders for production until June. As of the 10th day of the new lunar year, all workers had returned to work to ensure the progress of the first shipments of the new year as planned. 

Nguyen Thi Trang, a worker of Thanh Son Ltd. Co, which engages in producing garments for export in Hoa Binh City, said that as the company’s production was improved last year, salaries and bonus of employees were better off. The company organised the programme "Tet reunion - Spring sharing" and presented gifts to workers in difficult circumstances at the year-end, she said, adding that this is a great encouragement for labourers to feel secure and engaged in their work. 

The same situation was reported in Tesselation Hoa Binh Co. Ltd. To encourage workers' spirit at the beginning of the year, the company gave lucky money and organised a new year party for them. In February, the company recruited 500 workers and other technicians to expand production and ensure completing orders in time. 

Up to now, all businesses at industrial parks in the province have resumed production. Many companies have received orders for production until May and June, making workers feel secure. 

A positive signal of this year is that some businesses, which earlier had to cut nearly 1,000 employees due to their financial difficulties and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, have asked workers to come back to work. In addition, many electronics and garment firm continue to recruit large numbers of labourers after Tet. 

Dinh Quoc The, Chairman of the Trade Union of the provincial industrial parks, said since the beginning of the year, many companies have quickly resumed production, reflecting their determination to strive to successfully fulfill the set goals.

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