With a rise in number and improvement in production and business efficiency, companies, cooperatives, and business households in Lac Son commune have made important contributions to the transformation of economic structure and economic growth of the locality, creating jobs, joining hands in dealing with social issues, and helping increase State budget collection of the district.


Lac Son Electronics Co., Ltd. in Muong Voi street, Vu Ban town of Lac Son has created jobs with stable income for 800 labourers.

Specialising in processing plastic products, Lac Son Electronics Co., Ltd with two factories in Moi village of Van Nghia commune and Muong Voi street of Vu Ban town has created jobs for more than 1,200 labourers, mostly locals.

Director Ha Thi Minh said that her company has received great support from the local administration. The company has shown strong performance in implementing its obligations to the State and labourers as well as in social welfare activities, thus winning strong confidence from workers.

Nhung Van company, specialising in producing turmeric starch, was developed from a business household. Bui Van Nhung, owner of the facility, said that recognising the potential of the product and receiving good feedback from customers, the firm has researched for more products and enhanced the quality of its products to meet customers’ demands. The firm’s products have been certified as four-star by the One Commune-One Product (OCOP) programme.

The company’s material region has been expanded, enabling local farmers to earn 60-75,000 million VND (2,421-3,026 USD) per hectare, said Nhung.

Statistics show that currently, Lac Son is home to 139 operating enterprises, including 46 in the field of construction, 38 in trade, 11 in service, 30 in manufacturing, seven in agriculture, and six in transport. The firm have created jobs for more than 5,000 labourers.

Outstanding businesses include Lac Son Toys Co. Ltd., which is employing more than 1,600 labourers, Thien Dieu Co. Ltd. with 800, and Lac Son Electronics Co., Ltd. with 800.

Meanwhile, the district has 60 cooperatives with nearly 730 members, creating jobs for 840 labourers, along with more than 5,700 business households. They have paid about 4 billion VND (161,322 USD) to the State budget.

Bui Van Linh, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lac Son, said that local companies, cooperatives, and business households have made great contributions to socio-economic development in the district, while actively engaging in social welfare activities.

Last years, they paid 41.7 billion VND to the State budget, accounting for 40.8% of the district’s total collection. They have also helped improve the per capita income of the district, which has reached 60.3 million VND per year.

Linh affirmed that the district will continue creating favourable conditions for local companies, cooperatives, and business households to develop, while designing support policies for them and assisting them in deal with difficulties, and speeding up administrative reform.

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