In a move to expedite the execution and disbursement of the 2024 capital plan for ODA projects, aiming for a disbursement rate of over 90% of the allocated funding, the Hoa Binh People's Committee issued Document No. 483/UBND-KTN on April 3, 2024, regarding such efforts.

According to the directive, the chairman of the committee mandates all investors to aggressively carry out tasks and solutions to enhance the disbursement of public investment funds within their jurisdiction and to closely collaborate with relevant agencies. Emphasis is placed on ensuring that the acceleration of disbursement goes hand in hand with maintaining the quality of the construction work and the efficient use of capital.

The directive calls for heightened inspection and supervision of ongoing projects to ensure compliance with procedures, investment quality, and approved objectives. For projects concluding or closing agreements in 2024, it stresses the need to maximise resources, urging contractors to accelerate progress while ensuring construction quality and capital efficiency for completion within the approved timeframe.

Regarding those about to receive investment, the directive underscores the importance of speeding up investment preparation activities and contractor selection processes, as well as ensuring timely implementation.

Following the approval to extend the 2023 capital plan disbursement period into 2024, investors are urged to promptly proceed with the projects to ensure 100% capital plan disbursement within the extended period. Investors are also advised to proactively report any emerging issues during the implementation phase to authorities for prompt solution.

Additionally, the committee assigns specific tasks to various departments, project management boards, and district- and city-level People's Committees with ODA projects, aiming to ensure planned disbursements are achieved.


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