(HBO) – The Party Committee of Tong Dau commune has brought into play its leadership role over the past years, helping this disadvantaged commune become one of the best performers in building new-style rural areas in Mai Chau district, Hoa Binh province.

Officials and Party members of the Party Committee and administration of Tong Dau commune have regularly shared professional knowledge.

In 2010, Tong Dau was chosen as a key commune in implementing the national target programme on building new-style rural areas in Mai Chau district. At that time, Nhoi hamlet had the highest rate of poor households in Tong Dau commune, exceeding 10 percent.

At that time, a resolution on developing the economy and improving incomes for local residents was issued. Each of the eight members in the Party cell of Nhoi hamlet was assigned to assist from five to ten families, including at least one low-income household. Groups of families were also set up to support each other.

Basing on the local climate and soil conditions, Nhoi hamlet’s Party board has encouraged many poor families to replace unproductive crops with grass to serve livestock farming. It has also organised fact-finding trips for local people so that they can apply successful models in other localities of Mai Chau district in their hamlet.

As a result, the rate of poor households in the hamlet has dropped to under 4 percent, thus helping Tong Dau commune to fulfil the target of new-style rural area building on schedule.

Another demonstration showed the local Party committee’s leadership role in ensuring security and order in Rut hamlet. In 2005, Rut hamlet recorded a rise in drug use and trafficking among young people. The number of drug addicts even accounted for 7 percent of the hamlet’s population at a certain point of time. Then Secretary of the hamlet’s Party cell Nguyen Dinh Truong said if the problem was not prevented timely, Rut hamlet would become a drug hotbed.

With the support of all Party members, the local Party cell adopted a resolution on enhancing local security and order. Many solutions were carried out such as stepping up communications to encourage local residents to comply with the Party’s directives and resolutions and the State’s policies and laws, and promoting the role of prestigious persons and Party members who came to meet and talk with drug addicts and those having a high risk of drug abuse.

Notably, the Party cell’s board coordinated with the hamlet management board to establish a self-managed team for security and order – the first of its kind in Mai Chau district.

After 10 years of implementation, the resolution on ensuring security and order in Rut hamlet has proved effective. In particular, the hamlet hasn’t recorded any new drug abusers or drug trafficking cases. Thanks to its effects, the model in Rut hamlet has been expanded to other localities of Mai Chau district./.

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