A grand ceremony was held in Hanoi on May 18 to celebrate the 130th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s Birthday (May 19, 1890-2020).

Featuring the presence of senior Party and State leaders, the event also saw the attendance of former leaders, local authorities, representatives of central government and mass organisations, as well as delegates from diplomatic missions and international organisations in Hanoi, former revolutionaries, representatives from the armed forces and people from all walks of life.

Senior Party and State leaders join delegates and people from all walks of life at the celebration. (Photo: NDO/Duy Linh)

In his speech delivered at the event, General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong reviewed President Ho Chi Minh's glorious revolutionary life and career, and their close association with the brilliant milestones of the Vietnamese revolution.

The Party General Secretary and State President affirmed that President Ho Chi Minh's life is the most noble symbol of Vietnamese patriotism and revolutionary heroism. "His name and career remain forever with our country, forever in the hearts of our people and those of mankind. He left for our Party, our people and both today and future’s generations a precious heritage of thought, an example of morality and style and a very bright lifestyle,” the top leader said.

He affirmed that President Ho Chi Minh's thought is forever illuminating the way for the revolutionary careers of the Vietnamese Party and people, as well as contributing to the common struggle of peoples around the world in the fight for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress.

Highlighting the great value from the lessons about Party building left by President Ho Chi Minh, the General Secretary and State President emphasised that being the founder and mentor of the Party, President Ho Chi Minh always devoted special attention to Party building, so that the Vietnamese Party is truly pure and strong and a revolutionary, ethical, and civilised party.

Expressing his deep gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh, General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed that every victory and progress of the Vietnamese revolution is associated with the great efforts of President Ho Chi Minh and the lead of Ho Chi Minh Thought. In the Doi Moi (renovation) process, in the face of complicated developments in the world as well as domestic difficulties, the Party has been steadfast in adhering to Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, while adjusting them in a creative manner into the nation’s practices to achieve significant achievements. From a poor and backward country, Vietnam has risen to a middle-income developing country.

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the grand ceremony. (Photo: NDO/Duy Linh)

"Our country has never had the potential, position and prestige in the international arena as today, which helps us with more favourable conditions to firmly stand on the path that our Party, our people and our beloved Uncle Ho have chosen”, he affirmed, stressing that the achievements in the 35 years of Doi Moi have affirmed that the Party's renovations based on Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought are a creative and correct policy, consistent with Vietnamese practices and the development trends of the era.

The Party General Secretary and State President quoted President Ho Chi Minh’s call for efforts to preserve and consolidate solidarity and consensus within the Party, saying that Party building and rectification must be in tandem with the building of the State of the people, by the people, and for the people, and the building of a socialist democracy. The senior leader also urged officials, Party members, and the people to follow Uncle Ho’s teachings and example to perfect themselves.

He pointed out the tasks ahead: continuing to enhance the building and rectification of the Party and the entire political system, making them pure and strong in their politics, ideology, organisation and morality; and improving the leadership, governance and combat capacity of the Party as well as building a socialist State ruled by law, "of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

It is necessary to promote the close-knit relations between the Party and the people, build the Party based on the people, promote the people’s democracy and right to ownership, and preserve solidarity and consensus with the Party, he said.

The top leader called for greater efforts to complete all targets and tasks, first of all dealing with the adverse impacts of COVID-19, ensuring social welfare while optimising opportunities to fulfil socio-economic development tasks in 2020, thus successfully completing the tasks set for the Party’s 12th tenure and the 2021-2020 period and preparing and organising all-level Party congresses towards the 13th National Party Congress.

A performance praising President Ho Chi Minh at the ceremony. (Photo: NDO/Duy Linh)

At the event, delegates enjoyed a special art programme praising Uncle Ho, as well as the sentiments of the Vietnamese people and the peace-lovers around the world toward him. Documentaries about the glorious revolutionary life and career of President Ho Chi Minh were also premiered.

Earlier the same day, a delegation of the Party and State leaders paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi’s Ba Dinh Square, as well as laying flowers at the monument dedicated to all heroes and fallen soldiers in Bac Son Street nearby.

Source: NDO

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