We have passed through 2017, a year of enormous difficulties and challenges and severe damages caused by natural disasters amid considerable fluctuations in the world. In that context, we feel proud and appreciative of gained achievements as well as the efforts of the entire Party and the people.

For the first time in many years, Vietnam has completed and surpassed all 13 targets set for the whole year. The GDP growth rate reached 6.81%, exceeding the set target which is also a high growth rate compared to other countries in the region and in the world.

The Vietnam’s statistical indicators for sustainable development in 2017 have also increased by 20 places to 68th out of 157 countries and territories across the world. This is a great success to Vietnam, particularly in the context that the economic growth model has gradually transferred from the exploitation of natural resources to manufacturing and processing industry, hi-tech agriculture, tourism and services. In addition, the culture –society sector continues to see progress while the defence and security remain stable.

2017 is also considered as one of the most successful years in improving the efficiency of external relations as Vietnam has actively continued integrated into the world and deepening relationship with other countries, contributing to enhancing the prestige of Vietnam in the international arena.

As the host country of the APEC Summit in 2017, Vietnam created good impressions in the process of APEC cooperation and in the economic and political connectivity in the Asia-Pacific region.
Last year also witnessed positive signs in Party building, the consolidation of the political system, and the fight against corruption and bureaucracy. Serious economic and corruption cases have been resolved adequately including cases involving senior Party leaders.

Comprehensive achievements in the past year have brought satisfaction to the people, creating an atmosphere of excitement and the trust of the people in the leadership of the Party and in the successful renewal process and the national construction and defence.

"We are not allowed to be satisfied and drunk with achievements as the country is still facing many difficulties and challenges”, said Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in his keynote at a recently held conference on the implementation of the Party and lawmaking National Assembly’s socio-economic resolutions and State budget estimates for 2018.

The Party leader also pointed out specific tasks to be fulfilled in 2018 concerning economic development, Party building, culture-society development, national defence and security, and foreign affairs.
2018 is an important year to implement the five-year socio-economic development plan in the 2016-2020 period and to carry out the Resolution of the 12th Party Congress. Adhering to the leadership of the Party, the Government has determined key targets including stabilising the macroeconomy, restructuring the economy aligned with the renewal of economic growth model, improving productivity and competitiveness, encouraging innovation and start-ups, and boosting economic growth.

The Government has also set targets to promote administrative reform, improving the efficiency of law enforcement and enhancing management at all sectors in addition to promoting anti-corruption. Great attention will also be paid to the tasks of cultural and social development, the exercise of democracy and social justice, improvements to the living standards, environmental protection, response to climate change, national defence and security, foreign affairs and international integration.

It is crucial to strengthen the Party building and the building of a pure, strong and effective political system in order to successfully carry out the aforementioned tasks.

A new year has come with considerable difficulties and challenges besides good forecast by Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong "With new belief, new spirit, new motivation, the whole Party, people and the armed forces will continue to unite and strive for fulfilling all targets and tasks”, "contributing to building a more prosperous and powerful Vietnam as expected by Uncle Ho.”


                             Source: NDO

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