(HBO) – After five years of implementing a resolution on turning Mai Chau into a national tourist destination in 2020 with a vision to 2030, positive signs have been seen in the district's tourism development.

 As part of efforts to realise the resolution, Hang Kia commune has become an attractive tourist destination with typical adventure tourism products with strong traditional identity.

Dinh Duc Lan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Mai Chau district, said that developing community-based tourism in line with new-style rural area building is a policy that meet the aspirations and interests of the local community, therefore, it has been promptly implemented.

Community-based tourism development is one of the goals and sustainable foundation for the district's socio-economic growth, he said.

Lan said that the resolution has played an important role in guiding tourism activities in Mai Chau in recent years. After five years of implementation, the management over tourism service activities, tourism security and environmental sanitation have been strengthened, along with tourism planning activities, thus creating favoruable conditions for investors to optimise potential and advantages of the district.

He noted that so far, Mai Chau has approved about 20 tourism-trade projects. The preservation and promotion of the cultural identities of ethnic groups in association with tourism development has been strengthened.

Meanwhile, human resources quality for tourism sector has also been improved, he added.

After a long period of being affected by COVID-19, Mai Chau's tourism has recovered strongly, serving nearly 300,000 visitors in the first six months of this year, including 4,221 foreigners, fulfilling 59.4% of its yearly target. In the period, the district earned over 332 billion VND (14.06 million USD) from tourism activities.

Lan said that in the coming time, the district will continue to roll out measures to effectively implement the resolution, while promoting investment attraction and building a friendly and sustainable tourism environment./.

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