(HBO) - The Management Board of Industrial Parks (IPs) and the Trade Union of IPs in Hoa Binh province have recently held a conference to review their performance in 2022, and launch tasks for 2023.

Representatives of the Management Board of IPs presents certificates of merit to four enterprises which strictly abided by legal regulations on environmental protection.

The province has recorded important results in developing IPs in 2022. All the goals were completed, or exceeded. The local IPs have greatly contributed to realising the province's socio-economic indicators.

Hoa Binh attracted two big projects with registered capital from 1.7 trillion VND and above in the year, reaching 200% of the set target. 

The local IPs lured 11 domestic investment projects in 2022, lifting the total number of investment projects to 106, including 25 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects and 81 domestic ones. The revenue and export turnover of enterprises operating in the IPs reached nearly 21.87 trillion VND (923.95 million USD) and over 763.8 million USD, up 11.58% and 6.09% compared to the set plans, respectively.

The Trade Union of IPs has always paid due attention to both material and spiritual lives of and protecting legitimate rights and interests of union members, and supporting businesses to stabilise jobs for employees, thus contributing to improving incomes and living standards of labourers. 

The Management Board of IPs in Hoa Binh set a target of attracting one large project with a registered capital of 1 trillion VND (over 42.2 million USD) and above, and 15 other investment projects in 2023. 

Addressing the event, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Quach Tat Liem asked the Management Board of IPs to review and complete the planning of IPs, and strive to fulfill relevant adjustments in the first and second quarter of 2023. 

It is necessary to focus on the land clearance work, thus creating favourable conditions for investors’ operation, he said.

The Management Board of IPs needs to coordinate with investors, and relevant ministries and sectors to build plans for each IP to ensure labour safety and regulations on fire prevention and environmental protection, order security, while paying heed to promoting vocational training, speeding up administrative reform and information technology application, he noted. 

On the occasion, representatives of the Management Board of IPs presented certificates of merit to four enterprises which strictly abided by legal regulations on environmental protection.

The provincial Labour Confederation also awarded certificates of merit to organisations and individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in trade union-related affairs in 2022./. 

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