(HBO) – Authorities of Lac Thuy district in Hoa Binh province have paid special attention to developing clean agricultural production meeting VietGAP, GlobalGAP and organic standards, contributing to improving the quality and value of farm produce.

Truong Thinh Hi-tech Agriculture Investment JSC (Thong Nhat commune) invests in growing Japanese Ichiba cantaloupe in accordance with GlobalGAP standards.

To ensure food safety, Lac Thuy district’s agricultural sector has implemented many solutions to encourage local farmers to apply scientific and technological advances in agricultural production to reduce production costs.

The district’s Division of Agriculture and Rural Development has regularly coordinated with the sub-department of quality management of agro-forestry-aquatic products to review agricultural production facilities registered for VietGAP, GlobalGAP and organic certificates.

So far, the cultivation area certified with VietGAP and food safety standards accounts for 32.5%, while the percentage of concentrated breeding establishments certified with VietGAP makes up 8%.

Truong Thinh Hi-tech Agriculture Investment JSC (Thong Nhat commune) has invested in growing Japanese Ichiba cantaloupe in accordance with GlobalGAP standards. After two years, the model has brought outstanding economic efficiency, with the rate of high-quality fruits reaching over 90%. Before harvesting, each melon is checked for quality and sweetness, and stamped with certificates of origin and traceability. Japanese Ichiba cantaloupeis mainly sold in Hanoi and Hai Phong, and at clean fruit stores and supermarkets.

Nguyen Van Quang, a technician of the Truong Thinh Hi-tech Agriculture Investment JSC, said to achieve a good yield and quality, the firm always pays special attention to strictly ensuring technical standards related to water, seed, and fertilizer during the crop.


In parallel with cultivation, cooperatives and households in Lac Thuy district have also promoted the livestock industry in accordance VietGAP standards.

Notably, Trinh Van Tuan’s family in Phu Thanh commune, which specialises in raising chickens, averagely provides 12 tonnes of product and 24,000 eggs per year.

Most of the products of livestock establishments and cooperatives in the district have been sold at supermarkets and clean food stores in Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Quang Ninh.

Vu Tien Sy, a member of Hai Dang hi-tech organic agriculture cooperative in An Binh commune said, the fresh chicken product of the cooperative was recognised as a provincial-level OCOP product. The cooperative provides about 63.7 tonnes of chicken meat to the market every year, generating an average revenue of 30 billion VND, contributing to bringing stable incomes to its members.

Hoang Dinh Chinh, vice head of the Division of Agriculture and Rural Development of Lac Thuy district, said clean agricultural production models certified to meet VietGAP, GlobalGAP and organic standards, have helped better the yield and quality of products.

To conquer demanding markets, farmers and businesses need to strictly comply with commitments on quality and safety standards, and pay attention to investing in packaging, design, and trademark registration to increase the value of farm produce, he stressed./.




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