(HBO) – Kim Boi district has 10 products recognised as meeting 3-star OCOP (one commune on product) standards. In recent years, in order for OCOP products to reach the rating of 3 stars or higher, the district has paid attention to directing and implementing the OCOP Programme to communes, towns and producers with practical solutions, associated with the new-style rural area building movement in the locality.

Dien pomelo of Kim Boi Green Agriculture Cooperative (Du Sang commune) meets 3-star OCOP standards. 

Being recognised as OCOP products has helped them have higher economic value and clear origin, and ensure food hygiene and safety, with environmentally friendly materials used. These products have affirmed their reputation and brand, and helped expand production and business markets, meeting market needs, create jobs and increase incomes and the material and spiritual life of local people. The OCOP programme has contributed to the effective implementation of the group of criteria of "Organisation of production and rural economic development” in the building of advanced and model new-style rural areas. 

However, Nguyen Minh Anh, deputy head of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of Kim Boi district, said some enterprises are facing difficulties in processing and preservation technologies to improve their products’ values and their capacity to supply to the market in large quantities. They also see limitations in accessing digital technology, selling goods through e-commerce platforms, connecting with destinations and tourist areas. 

Therefore, Kim Boi is determined to develop a plan to implement the OCOP programme in a more effective and substantive manner, with product quality and reputation improved. 

According to the plan, in 2023, Kim Boi district will build at least two 3-star OCOP products, while focusing on supporting producers to maintain and improve the quality of the already-starred products. 

To that end, the district concentrates on supporting the production process and product branding. To date, Kim Boi has integrated many programmes and financial support from the provincial Cooperative Alliance, and industrial promotion and farmer support funds to organise training courses on technical guidance, branding support, and trade promotion.

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