(HBO) – Cao Phong district has many agricultural products popular among consumers nationwide like sugar cane and orange. Ensuring safety in agriculture is one of the district’s moves to improve the value of these products and build a value chain for them and an important content of the local project to effectively and sustainably restructure the agriculture.

Inspectors are examining a shop of agricultural inputs in Cao Phong township, Cao Phong district.

 The district’s division of agriculture and rural development has partnered with the People’s Committee of Tay Phong commune to inspect 12 butcher’s at Bang wet market and provide them with guidelines on how to comply with food safety rules.

 Earlier this year, cadmium, a harmful food additive, was found by the division in the samples of cabbage and bok choy taken from a vegetable shop at the temporary wet market in Zone 5A, Cao Phong township.

 Inspectors alsotaken samples of leaf mustard, cucumber, Malabar spinach, water morning glory and others from four vegetable shops at the market to test for pesticide residue and examined origin of products. They discovered that pesticides remaining on the leaf mustard and water morning glory were higher than the maximum allowable levels.

 The division has educated the vegetable shop’s owners on food safety and instructed them how to select safe suppliers of vegetables. Those with violations were required to destroy unsafe products and make records of their products’ information, including origin, suppliers, time of purchases. They must also sign contracts with the suppliers.

 At the temporary market in Zone 5A, 17 butcher’s have signed commitments to follow regulations on food safety./.


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