(HBO) – Measles cases have been reported in Hoa Binh province.

Medical workers of Mong Hoa commune’s Health Care Station (Ky Son district) give measles shots for children at a local preschool.

According to the Provincial Center for Disease Control (CDC), from the beginning of the year to February 20, 2019, the whole province recorded 6 confirmed and suspected measles cases. A survey of the local health sector showed that the measles patients have not received any vaccine against the disease or the full dose of two shots. A 34-year-old patient who had rash which was suspected to be measles also did not remember whether he had received vaccination. Doctors explain that measles in children under 9 months old is usually caused by a lack of immunity transferred from mother to child as the mother did not get vaccination against measles during her pregnancy or have never had measles.

According to the CDC, the situation of measles in Hoa Binh is not serious but the risk of outbreaks is high in 2019. Children should have two shots of measles vaccines, one when they reach 9 months of age and the second at 18 months of age. Some parents have forgotten to give the second injection to their child.

To prevent and fight the disease, doctors advise that children should get full dose of vaccination. Prior to pregnancy, women should get vaccinated against the disease. Children in area with high risk of measles outbreak should get additional vaccine shots in vaccination campaigns. Children from 5 years of age and adults who have not been vaccinated against measles should go to health care station to get the shots.

Doctors also advised people to clean the nose, throat and eyes regularly, and keeping children away from items that are easily contaminated with nasal and throat fluid.

Parents should clean toys, objects, floors, door handles that are contaminated with nasal secretions with soap or detergents and clean water, while opening doors to get sunlight. It is crucial to minimise contacts with infected people and wear medical masks and personal protective equipment in case of meeting the patients. When a person shows signs of measles, it is necessary to early isolate the patient and take the patient to the nearest medical facility for prompt check-up, consultations and treatment. Parents should not bring children to hospital at higher level if it is not necessary to avoid overloading and cross-infection in hospitals. Mild cases can be treated at home as long as parents ensure clean hygiene, nutritious meals for children. Doctors also advised against following the old custom of restricting bathing for measles patients.

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