The economy in Gulf countries has been tottering and facing heavy financial pressure since being hit by two "big waves”, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and a record plunge in oil prices.

Brazil surpasses US in daily coronavirus death toll

Brazil daily coronavirus deaths were higher than fatalities in the United States for the first time over the last 24 hours, according to the country's Health Ministry.

Trudeau asks bank CEOs for views on economy, COVID-19 relief- Globe and Mail

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has spoken to the heads of the country's six big banks to get their views on the state of the economy and the COVID-19 relief efforts, the Globe and Mail reported on May 24, citing multiple sources.

Trump opens door to in-person G7 June meeting despite pandemic

US President Donald Trump on May 20 said he may seek to revive a face-to-face meeting of Group of Seven leaders near Washington, after earlier canceling the in-person gathering of world leaders due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

ASEAN senior officials meet online

The ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) at the Deputy Foreign Ministerial level was held on May 18 in the form of a teleconference, with Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung, head of Vietnam ASEAN SOM, participating.

Europe must 'prepare for a second deadly wave of the coronavirus', WHO director warns, instead of celebrating dwindling daily figures

Europe must prepare for a second deadly wave of the coronavirus in the winter, a top World Health Organisation chief has warned.

Seven new coronavirus cases in mainland China on May 12, up from one a day earlier

China reported seven new coronavirus infections on the mainland on May 12, versus one a day earlier, the national health authority said on May 13, with six local cases in northeastern Jilin province and one imported case in Shanghai.

White House staff ordered to wear masks

President Trump takes questions on testing after White House staff test positive for coronavirus.

Thailand’s consumer confidence lowest in 21 years

Thailand’s consumer confidence slumped to a 21-year low in April as the public remained worried about the poor economy, unemployment and future income because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Gig economy” faces many challenges

(HBO) - Covid-19 has become a global pandemic and so many countries and cities have applied travel restrictions and social distancing orders.

India now has 52,952 cases of coronavirus, death toll 1783 - health ministry

The number of coronavirus infections rose to 52,952 in India, up by 3,561 over the previous day, the health ministry said on Thursday (May 7), with no signs of abating despite a strict weeks-long lockdown in the world's second most populous country.

Japan to help firms to move production bases to Southeast Asia

Japan will launch a subsidy programme to encourage domestic manufacturers to transfer their overseas production bases to Southeast Asia, as the coronavirus pandemic has greatly disrupted their supply chains heavily dependent on China.

Trump: FDA authorizes Remdesivir drug for COVID-19

President Donald Trump said on May 1 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had granted authorization to Gilead Sciences Inc for emergency use of its experimental antiviral drug Remdesivir to treat patients with COVID-19.

Global unemployment crisis triggered as COVID-19 remains severe

Together with the economic crisis triggered by COVID-19, a wave of unemployment is spreading in many major economies. Countries are now striving to not only fight the disease but also recover economic growth and support disadvantaged people.

Global efforts enhanced to relieve “pain” for poor countries amid COVID-19

International financial institutions and regional organisations are striving to provide effective "medicine” aimed at reducing damages for poor nations in the context of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic threatening to push many countries into miserable circumstances.

Vietnam affirms sovereignty over Hoang Sa, Truong Sa archipelagos

China’s circulation of a number of diplomatic notes at the United Nations (UN) that raise unreasonable sovereignty claims over Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos as well as maritime claims in the East Sea runs counter to the provisions of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), an official said on April 23.

The dark period of oil prices

Crude oil producers have just fallen into the depths after world oil prices for the first time in history fell to US$-37.63 per barrel. Moves to save the oil market from the brink of collapse were immediately launched, but efforts have been extremely fragile.

G20 health ministers acknowledge health systems'' vulnerability to pandemics -statement

Health ministers from the Group of 20 major economies discussed weaknesses in health systems that made the world vulnerable to the coronavirus outbreak and other pandemics, a statement said after a virtual meeting on Sunday (April 19).

COVID-19 causes severe shocks to Middle East, Africa

A scenario of socio-economic disturbance in the Middle East and Africa has been forewarned by experts if the regions cannot control the COVID-19 pandemic. With many countries being quite vulnerable, the Middle East and Africa are suffering from "strong shocks”, with economic downturn, rising unemployment and food security concerns.

Vietnam lauds implementation of peace agreement in Colombia

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnam Permanent Mission to the UN, has appreciated the positive results of a peace agreement in Colombia and believed that this will contribute to ensuring security and safety for people in the country, especially those in conflict areas.

World News in Brief: April 14

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that lifting restrictions too soon could lead to a deadly resurgence of COVID-19 as some countries are easing their social and economic restrictions amid the outbreak.

In grim milestone, United States logs world''''s highest coronavirus death toll

The United States surpassed Italy on Saturday as the country with the highest reported coronavirus death toll, recording more than 20,000 deaths since the outbreak began, according to a Reuters tally.

ROK''s Moon announces US$29.5 bln in additional cheap loans for exporters

The Republic of Korean President Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday (April 8) the government will make an additional KRW36 trillion (US$29.5 billion) worth of cheap loans available for exporters hit by the coronavirus.

Japan declares coronavirus emergency, approves near US$1 trln stimulus

Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on Tuesday (April 7) declared a state of emergency to fight new coronavirus infections in major population centres and unveiled a stimulus package he described as among the world's biggest to soften the economic blow.

Washington state to send ventilators to states hardest-hit by coronavirus

US state of Washington Governor Jay Inslee on Sunday (April 5) announced that the state will return more than 400 ventilators received from the Strategic National Stockpile to help states having higher numbers of COVID-19 cases.