Included in the development masterplan of the Hoa Binh lake national tourist area, the lakebed communes in Da Bac highland district are rich in tourism development potential, particularly resort and community tourism.

 5-star Robinson resort project in Tien Phong commune, invested by Hoa Binh Tourism joint Stock Company, is being implemented as a highlight in the system of ecological resort destinations in Da Bac lake.

In the past, the main source of livelihood of Tien Phong commune locals was fishing and aquaculture. This job was not always favourable because it depended on weather factors and environment. Difficult trade and travel conditions directly affected consumption, market prices, and product output.

Since the implementation of tourism activities, people's awareness, production and business thinking have seen many innovations. Instead of only relying on cage fish farming, some households have opened homestay businesses to serve tourists.

Currently, in addition to Da Bia, in the lake communes of the district, there are many community based tourism points attracting tourists, including Mo Hem village (now Doan Ket village) - Tien Phong commune, Sung village - Cao Son commune, and Ke village - Hien Luong commune.

In particular, Sung village is the only Dao Tien one in the province doing tourism. In addition to the majestic natural landscape, the village also preserves the unique culture of customs, housing architecture, writing, traditional crafts, costumes, and cuisine. This is one of the special destinations attracting international visitors to visit and explore.

Not only strong in community based tourism, some investors have implemented high-quality ecological and resort projects. The destinations have been put into operation, including Mo Retreat, Xoan Village in Mo hamlet, Hien Luong commune; Vayang Retreat in Van Nua commune; Maida Lodge in Tien Phong commune. Particularly, the 5-star Robinson natural park project in Tien Phong commune has carried out the construction of a number of important items.


Ban Kim Quy, Vice Chairman of Da Bac District People's Committee, said nature and culture are valuable resources that the district is exploiting and promoting to form a green, safe and attractive tourism destination, contributing to creating jobs and sustainable livelihoods for ethnic minorities living in lake communes.

In order to promote the development of local tourism economy with lakebed tourism as a focus, the district has implemented many solutions, including investing in and upgrading infrastructure such as roads and electricity communications systems.

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