(HBO) - Secretary of the Hoa Binh Party Committee Ngo Van Tuan chaired a meeting of the executive board on November 11 to review the Party leadership over the implementation of tasks in 2020 and sketch out targets and missions for 2021, while giving opinions on a number of important issues related to the provincial socio-economic development.

VFF units established as centre for promoting solidarity in Hoa Binh

(HBO) – Over the past days, communities across Hoa Binh province, from rural to urban areas, have been in the celebratory atmosphere of the 90th anniversary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF). Via these celebrations, people of different ethnic groups such as Muong, Thai, Kinh, Tay, Dao, and Mong together strengthened the neighbourliness and promoted self-reliance to contribute to local development. Provincial leaders have also joined local residents in these events.

Hoa Binh makes positive changes in youth development

(HBO) – The People’s Committee of Hoa Binh on November 13 held a conference to review the implementation of the Vietnam youth development strategy and the provincial programme for youth development in the 2011-2020 period. The conference also looked back at 10 years conducting Resolution 45/NQ-CP which was issued on September 11, 2009 by the Government.

Hoa Binh People’s Council meeting approves key personnel positions, 15 resolutions

(HBO) – The 16th People’s Council of Hoa Binh in the 2016-2021 tenure held its 17th meeting on November 11. The event drew Ngo Van Tuan, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, and representatives from the central Party agencies.

Hoa Binh’s four strategic breakthroughs for sustainable economic growth

(HBO) – The 17th Congress of the Hoa Binh Party Organization for the 2020-2025 tenure was a success. The congress adopted the goal of boosting the local economy’s growth to the national average by 2025.

Hoa Binh reviews implementation of Politburo’s Directive No. 35-CT/TW

(HBO) - The Standing Board of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee held a meeting on November 5 to review the implementation of the Politburo’s Directive No. 35-CT/TW, dated May 30, 2019, on organising all-level Party congresses towards the 13th National Party Congress.

Cao Phong district promotes example setting among party members

(HBO) – Party members in Cao Phong district have been pioneering and setting examples in the patriotic emulation movement, building of new style rural areas, and local socio-economic development programmes.

Challenging environment for young intellectual volunteers created

(HBO) - The Hoa Binh provincial People's Committee held a conference on October 27 to review a pilot project on selecting young intellectual volunteers for rural development work for the 2013-2020 period, as part of Project 500.

Teleconference talks implementation of ODA-funded programmes, projects

(HBO) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired a teleconference with ministries, sectors and localities on October 29 to look into the implementation and capital disbursement of programmes and projects using official development assistance (ODA) and foreign concessional loans.

Hoa Binh’s leader requests coordination to foster industrial development

(HBO) – Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Ngo Van Tuan recently had a working session with the Management Board of Industrial Parks (IPs) of Hoa Binh province to look into local industrial development.

Hoa Binh’s armed forces support disadvantaged children

(HBO) – Lac Thuy district’s armed forces have presented over 3,000 bicycles, hundreds of fans, and study tools like caculators and school bags to disadvantaged children under the "Accompanying students” programme. Particularly, 200 students have got monthly allowances of 300,000 VND (12.95 USD) each.

Luong Son opens OCOP product store

(HBO) – The People’s Committee of Luong Son District, Hoa Binh Province, on October 14 officially launched a store for promoting and distributing the district’s signature farm produces and "One Commune, One Product” (OCOP) products at the central market.

Hoa Binh strives to foster e-Government development

(HBO) - Hoa Binh has made multiple efforst to develop e-Government over the last few years. Last November, the province’s public services portal was officially connected with the national portal via its data sharing and integration platform, marking a milestone in the local development of e-Government.

Hoa Binh follows President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle

(HBO) – The Politburo’s Directive No.05-CT/TW on promoting the study and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle has created drastic changes in the awareness and actions of Party committees at all levels, officials and local people.

Cao Phong district: Hallmark of one tenure implementing Party resolution

(HBO) - Over the past years, the Party Committee, authorities and people of Hoa Binh province’s Cao Phong district have brought the Resolution of the 27th district Party Congress in the 2015 – 2020 tenure into life by appropriate and effective ways.

Provincial Party Congress’s success – hope for future development

(HBO) – Hoa Binh province successfully organised its 17th Party Congress for the 2020-2025 period. Thanks to the local party organisations and authorities’ more effective and practical direction and management, local livelihood is getting better.

Hoa Binh aims to be among medium-range localities in terms of economy size by 2025

(HBO) - In recent years, Hoa Binh province has achieved important achievements across fields, including fulfilling 18 out of 20 targets set in the Resolution of the 16th provincial Party Congress, creating a foundation for Hoa Binh to develop rapidly and sustainably in the coming years.

Hoa Binh promotes solidarity, innovation to develop rich, civilised province

(HBO) – Over the past years, despite numerous difficulties and challenges, the Party organisation, administration and people of all ethnic groups in Hoa Binh province have brought into play the traditional solidarity, unanimity, creativity and reform to effectively carry out the resolution of the 12th National Party Congress, obtaining significant outcomes in socio-economic aspects, defence-security ensuring and political system building.

Hoa Binh: 17th Party Congress for 2020-2025 a success

HBO) – After three days of working in a serious, prompt and democratic manner and with high sense of responsibility towards the Party and people, the 17th Party Congress of Hoa Binh province for the 2020-2025 tenure wrapped up on October 3 afternoon.

“Month for the Poor” to be launched on October 16

(HBO) – Hoa Binh province’s management board of the "For the Poor” fund on September 29 organised a conference to evaluate fund mobilisation and use as well as prepare for the "Month for the Poor” event in 2020.

Hoa Binh Party Organisation convenes preparatory session for 17th congress

(HBO) - The preparatory session of the 17th congress of the Hoa Binh Party Organisation took place at the provincial cultural palace on October 1. The congress is scheduled for October 1 – 3 with the participation of 347 delegates representing 67,000 local members of the Communist Party of Vietnam.