(HBO) – Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee, chaired a meeting of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board on July 5 to look into the provincial Party Committee’s draft mid-term review report of the 2020 - 2025 tenure and some important issues related to local socio-economic development.

Bac Phong commune affirms leadership role of the Party

(HBO) – In the past recent years, Bac Phong commune of Cao Phong district in the northern mountainous province of Hoa Binh has seen many changes in socio-economic development and livelihood of the locals.

Party Organisation of provincial Agencies’ Bloc convenes 12th plenum

(HBO) - The 17th-tenure (2020-2025) Party Organisation of the Hoa Binh provincial Agencies’ Bloc convened its 12th plenum on June 30 and announced decisions regarding personnel work. The event was attended and directed by Permanent Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Bui Duc Hinh.

Hoa Binh police actively grasp situation, solve security problems

(HBO) - Hoa Binh provincial Police on June 30 held a conference to evaluate performance in the first six months of 2023 and introduce key tasks for the last six months of the year.

Kim Boi improves quality of Party development work

(HBO) - The number of newly-admitted party members in Kim Boi district in 2023 may be modest, but the quality is ensured, said Vu Dinh Kien, deputy head of the organisation board of the Party Committee of Kim Boi district.

Hoa Binh promote roles of prestigious people in community

(HBO) – Hoa Binh currently has had 1,276 prestigious people from ethnic minority groups. Recognising the role of prestigious people in developing socio-economic development, ensuring security and building the great national solidarity bloc, the Party Committee and administration at all levels of Hoa Binh have focused on effectively implementing policies to support them and promote their role in the community.

Da Bac Party Committee follows Uncle Ho’s teachings, building strong Party organisation, administrative system

(HBO) – The studying and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, moral example and lifestyle have become a regular task in the Party Organisation of Da Bac district, becoming a widespread movement, helping create positive changes in awareness and actions among local officials, Party members and community.

Kim Boi district launches model of friendly administration serving people

(HBO) – The People's Committee of Kim Boi district has held a ceremony to launch a model of "Friendly administration serving the people".

Lac Thuy speeds up patriotic emulation movements

(HBO) - Defining the detection, building and replication of outstanding models and examples as an important factor to boost patriotic emulation movements, in recent years, Lac Thuy district has focused on integrating and concretising these movements into the implementation of key tasks of agencies, units and localities, thus creating a great motivation to contribute to the successful implementation of political and socio-economic development tasks, and ensuring defence and security in the locality.

Spreading the good in society

(HBO) – the positive information, examples of good people, good deeds, simple and humane deeds are shared daily in the press and social networks, making an important contribution to repelling bad information, spreading good values in society.

Lac Son district: the officers and party members are exemplary in studying and following the example of great Uncle Ho

(HBO) - The "one-stop shop” department of Huong Nhuong commune (Lac Son) in the early days of June is quite busy. The people are there to do transactions and carry out administrative procedures quite a lot. However, the attitude of the staff on duty to welcome the people are always warm and enthusiastic.

Party organisation of Cao Phong district makes mid-term review of resolution implementation

(HBO) – The Party Committee of Cao Phong district has held a conference to conduct mid-term review of the implementation of the resolution of the 28th district Party Congress for the 2020 - 2025 tenure.

Hoa Binh city performs well in studying, following late leader’s teachings

(HBO) – Hoa Binh city has been seriously and fruitfully implementing the Politburo’s Conclusion No 01-KL/TW on the continued implementation of Directive No 05-CT/TW, dated May 15, 2016, on enhancing the studying and following of late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, moral example, and style. Significant results have been recorded so far.

Xuan Thuy commune reaches targets of Party Congress Resolution

(HBO) - In the half term of implementing the Party Congress Resolution at all levels, the Party Committee of Xuan Thuy commune, Kim Boi district of the northern mountainous province of Hoa Binh, has made several breakthroughs in socio-economic development.

Implementation of 17th provincial Party Congress’s Resolution at Cao Phong district Party Committee inspected

(HBO) - On June 13 afternoon, a delegation of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee led by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, inspected the implementation of the Resolution of the 17th provincial Party Congress in the 2020 - 2025 term at Cao Phong district's Party Committee.

Department’s implementation of 17th provincial Party Congress’s resolution examined

(HBO) – A delegation of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board led by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, examined the implementation of the resolution of the 17th provincial Party Congress, the 2020 - 2025 tenure, at the provincial Department of Planning and Investment on June 15.

Hoa Binh popularises patriotic emulation movement

(HBO) - On June 11, 1948, President Ho Chi Minh issued an appeal for patriotic emulation. The appeal strongly encouraged people to emulate in all aspects of social life, creating great strength for the whole Party, people, and army to overcome hardships and lead the Vietnamese revolution to victory. To mark the 75th anniversary of the late President’s appeal for patriotic emulation, the northern province of Hoa Binh has popularised the meaning and value of the emulation in various fields of social life.

Hoa Binh provincial steering board for key projects convenes meeting

(HBO) – The steering board for key projects of Hoa Binh province held a meeting on June 7 to look into the progress of those projects. Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and head of the steering board, chaired the event.

Implementation of 17th provincial Party Congress’s resolution in Tan Lac examined

(HBO) – A delegation of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board led by Bui Van Khanh, Deputy Secretary of the committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, examined the implementation of the 17th provincial Party Congress’s resolution for the 2020 - 2025 tenure at the Party Committee of Tan Lac district on June 6.

Hoa Binh Provincial Planning Project for 2021 - 2030 under consideration

(HBO) – Hoa Binh province and the Ministry of Planning and Investment held a meeting at the ministry’s headquarters in Hanoi on June 5 to appraise the Provincial Planning Project for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050 and look into the strategic environmental assessment of this project.

Phong Phu commune effectively implements Party Congress resolution

(HBO) - Over the past years, the Party Committee of Phong Phu commune in Tan Lac district has closely followed directions by higher-level Party committees, concertedly implemented solutions on Party building, promoted patriotic emulation movements, and performed socio-economic development tasks.

Leader inspects Kim Boi’s implementation of provincial Party Congress’s Resolution

(HBO) - On May 23, a delegation of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee led by Bui Duc Hinh, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Council, had a working session with the Standing Board of the Kim Boi district Party Committee on implementing the Resolution of the 17th provincial Party Congress.

Dong Lai commune brings Party Resolutions to life

(HBO) - Over the past years, the Party Committee of Dong Lai commune (Tan Lac) has focused on leading and directing Party cells, agencies and mass organisations to build plans bring the Resolution of the commune's Party Congress for the 2020 - 2025 term and the annual Resolution of the commune's Party Committee to life.

Ngoc Son commune shows strong performance in implementing Party resolutions

(HBO) – Over the years, under the leadership of the Party committee and local administration, local residents in Ngoc Son commune, Lac Son district have shown strong performance in implementing major tasks set in the resolutions of the Party congresses at all levels, especially in expanding production, thus greatly improving their living conditions and the face of the rural commune.