(HBO) – Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Council of Hoa Binh province Bui Van Khanh hosted a reception on August 22 for a delegation from the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association in Hiroshima prefecture led by its President Miyuki Sakuma.

President Ho Chi Minh in the heart of Hoa Binh people

(HBO) - Setting up an altar worshipping President Ho Chi Minh, hanging his picture and offering incense and flowers on holidays and festivals has become a cultural practice in the lives of many families in the northern province of Hoa Binh. Particularly, on the occasion of the August Revolution (August 19) and National Day (September 2), Hoa Binh people usually offer incense and flowers on the altar to show their respect to President Ho Chi Minh whom they refer to as Uncle Ho.

Cao Phong district enhances administrative efficiency via digital transformation

(HBO) – Cao Phong district’s application of information technology (IT) in the management and operation of administrative procedures as well as production development has so far yielded positive outcomes.

Xuan Thuy commune Party Committee gets strong from studying, following President Ho Chi Minh’s example

(HBO) - By doing concrete actions in daily life, officials, Party members and people of Xuan Thuy commune (Kim Boi district) are spreading good values from President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle, contributing to building a strong and clean Party Committee, and promoting local socio-economic development.

682 receive Party membership badges

(HBO) - The Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee has decided to present Party membership badges to 682 individuals on the occasion of National Day (September 2).

Hoa Binh reviews implementation of 17th provincial Party Congress’s resolution

(HBO) – The Party Committee of Hoa Binh province held a conference on August 10 to make a mid-term review on the implementation of the resolution of the 17th provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 tenure. The event was presided over by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee; and Bui Van Khanh, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee.

Hoa Binh marks 20th founding anniversary of provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs

(HBO) - On August 7, the Hoa Binh provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs held a ceremony to celebrate its 20th founding anniversary (August 8, 2003 - 2023). Attending the event were Hau A Lenh, member of the Party Central Committee, Minister-Chairman of the Government Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs; Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee; Bui Duc Hinh, Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Council; and Bui Van Khanh, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

“Bridges” connecting Party committees, administrations with people

(HBO) – In Cha Day hamlet of Pa Co commune (Mai Chau district), Sung A To is a prestigious person who has won the affection and trust from local residents.

Tong Dau enjoys improvements thanks to following Uncle Ho’s example

(HBO) – As part of efforts to implement the Politburo's Directive 05-CT-TW on strengthening the studying and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, moral examples and lifestyle, the Party Committee and locals of Tong Dau commune in Mai Chau district have actively studied and built effective models, contributing to achieving socio-economic targets of the locality.

Provincial Party officials discuss building of zoning plan for Kim Boi district

(HBO) – The Standing Board of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee has held a meeting to discuss the proposed zoning plan on a scale of 1:25,000 for Kim Boi district until 2040 and some other important issues. The event was chaired by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee.

Mai Chau obtains postive outcomes following Party Organisation’s Congress Resolution

(HBĐT) - One of the strategic breakthroughs identified by the Mai Chau district’s Party Organisation in the resolution of its 26th congress for the 2020-2025 term is to improve the local business climate to spur investment attraction.

Delegation of provincial People’s Council visits Vietnamese Embassy in Mongolia

(HBO) – During their working visit to Tuv province of Mongolia, a delegation of the Hoa Binh provincial People’s Council led by Bui Duc Hinh – Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council, visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Ulaanbaatar on July 26. They were received by Ambassador Doan Khanh Tam and other officials of the embassy.

Hoa Binh's leaders pay tribute to martyrs at Hoa Binh Campaign Cemetery

(HBO) – A delegation of leaders of Hoa Binh province’s Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Fatherland Front Committee led by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, offered incense in tribute to fallen soldiers at Hoa Binh Campaign Martyrs’ Cemetery, on July 27 morning on the occasion of the 76th Invalids and Martyrs’ Day (July 27).

Provincial-level "people-friendly administration” model launched in Hoa Binh

(HBO) - The "people-friendly administration” model has been launched at Hoa Binh province’s Public Administration Service Centre.

Revolution contributors in Lac Son district honoured on Martyrs’ Day occasion

(HBO) – Hoa Binh province has conducted many activities to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947-2023).

Hoa Binh holds party member admission ceremony for outstanding students

(HBO) – A ceremony was held on July 17 to admit 10 outstanding students at Hoa Binh Provincial Ethnic Boarding High School to the Party by the Party cell of the school.

Party Organisation of provincial Agencies’ Bloc reviews Party building work

(HBO) - The Party Organisation of the Hoa Binh provincial Agencies’ Bloc held a conference on July 19 to review the midterm implementation of the Resolution of the provincial Party Organisation’s 17th congress for the 2020-2025 tenure, and the Party building work in the first six months of the year; and sketch out key tasks in the second half. Bui Duc Hinh, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Council attends the event.

Hoa Binh’s front calls on people to fulfill 2023 tasks

(HBO) - The Hoa Binh provincial chapter of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) on July 19 convened its 9th meeting, attended by Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Council Bui Duc Hinh, and Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People's Council Nguyen Thi Cam Phuong.

Kim Boi district’s Party organisation focuses on directing main tasks

(HBO) - Over the past time, the Party organisation of Kim Boi district has thoroughly grasped and strictly implemented direction documents of the higher level committees on building the Party and the political system, with focus on innovating and improving the effectiveness of direction and management over the implementation of Resolutions of the Party Congresses at all levels.

Kim Boi district launches commune-level friendly administration for people''s service model

(HBO) – On July 11 morning, the Kim Boi district Party Committee's Mass Mobilisation Board, in collaboration with Kim Boi commune administration, launched the commune-level "friendly administration for people's service" model.

Hoa Binh delegation offers incense to martyrs at central cemeteries

(HBO) – On the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27), a delegation of Hoa Binh led by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, has offered incense to martyrs at the Truong Son National Martyrs' Cemetery and Road 9 National War Martyrs’ Cemetery in the central province of Quang Tri, a former battlefield.

Mid-term prominent results Tan Lac district’s Party Committee

(HBO) - The Party Committee of Tan Lac district issued eight thematic resolutions, one action plan to implement the Resolution of the congress of the district’s Party Committee, and one action programme to implement the Resolution of the provincial Party Committee’s congress in the 2020 – 2025 tenure, after its 24th congress.

Hoa Binh well performs information poverty reduction

(HBO) – An inspection delegation from the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education held a working session with the provincial Party Committee's Board for Information and Education on the dissemination of information poverty reduction in the province.

Bac Phong commune affirms leadership role of the Party

(HBO) – In the past recent years, Bac Phong commune of Cao Phong district in the northern mountainous province of Hoa Binh has seen many changes in socio-economic development and livelihood of the locals.

Tan Lac district duplicates “Smart mass mobilisation” models, examples

HBO - According to data from the Tan Lac district Party Committee's Mass Mobilisation Board, Tan Lac district currently has 125 "Smart mass mobilisation” models and examples "smart people", five higher than the number in 2022.