alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Tran Phi Long recently inspected the construction work, site clearance, and resettlement in the Canh Tang reservoir project in Lac Son district.

Hoa Binh People’s Committee works with community associations

The People’s Committee of Hoa Binh on November 27 held a working session with representatives of local community associations. The event was chaired by Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Bui Van Khanh.

17th-tenure provincial Party Committee holds 14th session

The Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee convened the 14th session in the 17th tenure (2020 - 2025) on November 30. The event was chaired by Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee; and Bui Van Khanh, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee.

Pa Co commune Party Committee overfulfils target of increasing new Party members

The Party Committee of Pa Co commune (Mai Chau) has 10 Party cells with a total of 232 members. Determining that the development of Party membership plays an important role in improving the leadership capacity and combat strength of the Party organisation, in recent times, the commune Party Committee has continuously innovated leadership methods and proactively increased the number of Party members, contributing to building a clean and strong Party Committee.

Hoa Binh works to protect workers’ legitimate rights, benefits

Hoa Binh province’s trade unions at all levels have paid due attention to taking care of local workers and ensuring their legitimate rights and benefits.

Hoa Binh reviews implementation of socio-economic tasks in 2023

The Secretary of the Hoa Binh Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long on November 23 chaired a meeting of the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board for November, during which participants gave their opinions on the implementation of the locality’s tasks in 2023 and a number of important issues in the province’s socio-economic development.

Promoting strength of great solidarity to build new life

Under the leadership of Party committees and authorities at all levels, the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) committee in Cao Phong district and member organisations have promoted the great national solidarity spirit and launched many emulation movements with far-reaching impacts.

Dialogue seeks to remove difficulties facing local businesses in real estate investment

Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Bui Van Khanh has chaired a dialogue to discuss measures for addressing difficulties and obstacles in real estate investment and business activities in the locality.

Provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board has new member

The Standing Board of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee has held a conference to implement the Party Central Committee Secretariat’s decision on personnel affairs. Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, chaired the event.

Provincial Party leader visits Hoang Van Thu High School for the Gifted

The Secretary of Hoa Binh province’s Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long recently visited the Hoang Van Thu High School for the Gifted.

Great solidary festival tightens people-Party bonds

Since the start of November, communities across Hoa Binh province have joyfully organised activities marking the great national solidarity festival. Twenty years since it was first celebrated, the festival’s vitality and great significance have gained a foothold in people’s spiritual life, thereby helping enhance the strength of the great national solidarity.

Hoa Binh joins hands to support poor households

The movement "The whole country joins hands for the poor, leaving no one behind" has been actively launched by the standing committee of the provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front chapter to attract the participation of localities, agencies, units, businesses, and the general public.

Hoa Binh Farmers’ Union helps farmers put agricultural products on e-commerce platforms

E-commerce platforms are gradually becoming an effective distribution channel for agricultural product sales along with traditional ones. Seizing that opportunity, Farmers' Union chapters in Hoa Binh province have carried out many activities to help farmers access scientific and technological advances and apply them to their production, especially providing training for them on selling goods on e-commerce platforms, thereby promoting the development of rural digital economy, ensuring income for farmers.

Party Organisation of Lac Son district’s Yen Nghiep commune creates changes in leadership

The Party Organisation of Lac Son district’s Yen Nghiep commune maintained its status as a pure and strong unit for three consecutive years since 2020. Programmes and resolutions implementing the Resolution adopted by communal Party Congress for the 2020-2025 tenure have been put in place.

Stepping up measures for boosting socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas

Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long held that it is important to identify focal tasks during the steering, governance, and implementation of the national target programme on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. In particular, focus should be placed on housing assistance, life stabilisation, livelihood creation, development of social infrastructure, especially transport facilities, and cultural, healthcare and educational issues.

Provincial Association of History holds third congress for 2023 - 2028 tenure

The Association of History of Hoa Binh province held its third congress, for the 2023 - 2028 tenure, on November 15 with the participation of 110 delegates representing more than 1,000 members across the province.

Promoting Hoa Binh Association of History’s role in local socio-economic development

Dinh Cong Su, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee (HBO) – Over 15 years of development since its establishment on October 25, 2008, the Hoa Binh Association of History, gathering more than 1,000 members, has helped develop historical science, enhance the solidarity and friendship among ethnic groups, and improve the public’s sense of responsibility towards history learning and education as well as the preservation and promotion of local and national historical and cultural values.

The provincial Party Committee attended the opening ceremony of the 2023 - 2024 school year at Hoa Binh Pedagogical College

In the morning of November 14th, Hoa Binh Pedagogical College held the opening ceremony of the 2023 - 2024 school year and celebrated the 41st anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day (November 20, 1982 - November 20, 2023). There was the attendance of Mr. Nguyen Phi Long, the alternate Member of the Party Central Committee, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Bui Duc Hinh, the Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Luong Son pays heed to party building work

The Standing Board of the Party Committee of Luong Son district has made comprehensive efforts in building the Party and the political system, promoting the responsibility of officials and party members in directing the implementation of political tasks, towards developing the district into the core of the economic locomotive zone of Hoa Binh province.

Members of provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board undergo vote of confidence

The Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee on November 10 held a vote of confidence on its members for the 2020-2025 tenure under the chair of the committee’s Secretary Nguyen Phi Long.

Cooperation between enterprises of Hoa Binh, Mongolia’s Tuv province enhanced

(HBO) – The Hoa Binh provincial People’s Council welcomed and had a working session with Dorj Enkhbat, former Ambassador of Mongolia to Vietnam and advisor to the working team of the People’s Council of the country’s Tuv province, on November 7. The Mongolian delegation, including some companies from Tuv, visited Hoa Binh to discuss a connectivity programme that aims to enhance development cooperation between enterprises of the two provinces.