(HBO) - The implementation of Directive No. 05 on studying and following Ho Chi Minh' ideology, morality and style in Mong Hoa commune has created positive changes.

Minister responds to drug, sex abuse, traffic crime questions

Fighting against drug crimes was among issues raised by deputies during a question-and-answer session with Minister of Public Security To Lam at the ongoing seventh session of the 14th National Assembly in Hanoi on June 4th.

Vietnam comments on Singapore PM’s speech at Shangri-La Dialogue

Vietnam regretted that some contents in the remarks of Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the 18th Shangri-La Dialogue and on his Facebook page did not objectively reflect the historical truth, causing negative impacts on public opinions, the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang has said.

Lac Son district holds third congress of ethnic minority groups

(HBO) – Lac Son district in northwestern Hoa Binh province held the third congress of ethnic minority groups with the theme "Ethnic groups in Lac Son district promote solidarity, internal strength, join hands to build new-style rural areas, civilised urban areas, rich hometown of integration and development”. As many as 150 delegates representing over 10,000 ethnic minority people in the district participated in the event.

Party members in Ao Trach hamlet promote role in mass mobilisation

(HBO) – With 42 members, the Party cell of Ao Trach hamlet is one of the outstanding collectives of Dan Hoa commune in particular and Ky Son district in general in mass mobilization work.

Hoa Binh promotes dissemination about congress of ethnic groups

(HBO) - A sub-committee in charge of information, reception and art performances for the third congress of ethnic minority groups in the northwestern province of Hoa Binh convened a meeting on May 27 to deploy plans for the organization of the event.

Cementing solidarity among ethnic minority groups in Chieng Chau commune

(HBO) - Chieng Chau commune has six hamlets, 926 households with 3,795 inhabitants, belonging to five ethnic groups living together: Kinh, Muong, Thai, Dao, Hoa. The ethnic minorities make up more than 90 percent of the commune’s population.

Vietnamese, Swedish PMs hold talks

Vietnam always treasures its traditional friendship with Sweden and wants to further strengthen bilateral ties in diverse areas, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc told his Swedish counterpart Stefan Loefven during their talks in Stockholm on May 27.

Yen Thuy district studies and follows Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, morality and style

(HBO) - From the beginning of the year, the Party Committee of Yen Thuy district issued a plan to implement the Directive No. 05-CT/TW in 2019. The implementation of Directive No.05-CT/TW has created positive changes in the building of Party and political system and socio-economic development in district.

Lien Hoa commune develop citrus fruits

(HBO) – The Party Committee of Lien Hoa commune, Lac Thuy district, northwestern Hoa Binh province, is focusing on helping locals develop economy and improve living standards. Based on the natural conditions, the communal authorities have encouraged people to actively shift to growing citrus fruits with high economic value, especially oranges.

Standout youths in Lac Son district honoured

(HBO) - The youth union of Lac Son district organised the forum themed "Lac Son youths remember Uncle Ho’s testament and follow his footsteps” and honoured 19 youths who stood out in following the late President’s teaching in the locality in 2019.

Talk marks President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday at Hoang Van Thu gifted high school

(HBO) - The Hoang Van Thu gifted high school in the northern mountainous province of Hoa Binh on May 18 held a talk on President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of his 129th birth anniversary (May 19, 1890 - 2019).

Hoa Binh has over 4,300 excellent mass mobilisation models

(HBO) - The mass mobilisation campaign in Hoa Binh province has shown efficiency thanks to local Party and authorities’ strong direction work in the past time. Many localities have built and developed good mass mobilisation models, contributing to realising socio-economic development goals as well as ensuring defence-security.

Ky Son district reviews three-year implementation of Directive No. 05 and honours winners of contest on President Ho Chi Minh

(HBO) - Ky Son district in the northern mountainous province of Hoa Binh on May 16 organised a conference to review the three-year implementation of Directive No. 05 CT/TW on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morals and lifestyle, and honour winners of the contest on President Ho Chi Minh and his sentiments towards ethnic groups in Hoa Binh.

Third congress of ethnic minorities 2019 in Cao Phong district

(HBO) - Cao Phong district held the third congress of ethnic minorities 2019 with the theme "Residents of ethnic groups in Cao Phong stay united, tap internal forces, jointly build new-style rural areas and civilised urban areas; build a prosperous hometown for integration and development”.

Party Central Committee commences 10th meeting

The Party Central Committee opened its 10th meeting in Hanoi on May 16.

Implementing Directive No. 05 in Kim Boi District - spreading good acts and models effectively

(HBO) - Continuing to implement Directive No. 05 of the Political Bureau on promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style, the Standing Committee of Kim Boi District instructed the local branches and Party Committees to seriously learn specific subjects of years.

Sectors, organisations closely coordinate in improving effectiveness of supporting revolutionary martyrs'' families

(HBO) – Vice Secretary of the Hoa Binh province’s Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Tran Dang Ninh on May 7 worked with the Standing Committee of the association for support of Martyrs' families of the locality.

Passing revolutionary spirit to the young

(HBO) - Three national heroes were guest speakers of a recent talk on the country’s revolutionary tradition held for the youngsters in Hoa Binh city of the north western mountainous province of the same name.

Da Bac High school follows President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings

(HBO) - Da Bac High School has 50 officials, teachers, staffs, 687 students in 18 classes. In which, 529 students are ethnic minority, 312 students are from poor households. Most students are away from school. Many students have to rent accommodation.

Dien Bien marks 65th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu Victory

The northern mountainous province of Dien Bien held a solemn ceremony on May 6 to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the founding of the province (June 28), the 70th anniversary of the founding of the provincial Party Committee (October 10), the 65th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7), and to receive the Independence Order, First Class.

Progress in implementing Directive 05 in Ky Son district

(HBO) - Over the years, to realise the Politburo’s Directive 05-CT-TW, Ky Son district has associated studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, moral example and style with the Party building and purification.

State funeral held for former President, General Le Duc Anh

A State funeral was held on May 3 for former President General Le Duc Anh, who was also former Politburo member and former advisor to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).