(HBO) – A ceremony to honour youths with outstanding performance in following President Ho Chi Minh's teachings was held by the Youth Union of Hoa Binh province on May 18. Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Council and head of the provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Information and Education Vo Ngoc Kien attended the event.

Minister of Science and Technology has meeting with Hoa Binh leaders

(HBO) – A delegation of the Ministry of Science and Technology led by member of the Party Central Committee and Minister Huynh Thanh Dat had a working session with leaders of Hoa Binh province on May 18 to look into production, business, and public investment facilitation, infrastructure building, and foreign trade of the locality.

20 years of the National Day of Great Solidarity - consolidating and promoting the power of the block of great unity

(HBO) - After 20 years of implementing Resolution No. 04, dated August 1, 2003 of the Presidium of Vietnam Fatherland Central Committee on organizing the National Day of Great Solidarity has affirmed to be the great festival of the community, contributing to consolidating and promoting the power of the block nof great unity, creating the consensus for successfully implementing the goals and tasks from each residential area and locality.

Winners of contests on studying, following President Ho Chi Minh’s example honoured

(HBO) – Winners of the two contests on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle in Hoa Binh province were honoured at a ceremony on May 16.

Luong Son district takes breakthrough steps in following late President’s example

(HBO) – Assisted by local police officers to install the e-identification app VNeID, Bui Thu Huong, a resident in Luong Son township of Luong Son district, said with this app, she will no longer have to bring along many personal papers or handle different procedures when conducting public administration transactions. She quickly completed installing the app thanks to the help from local police.

Nat Son Party cell founding location recognised as provincial historical relic site

(HBO) – The People's Committee of Kim Boi district held a ceremony in Hung Son commune on May 8 to receive a certificate recognising the locality as a provincial revolutionary historical site attached to the establishment of Nat Son Party cell, the first of its kind in Kim Boi in 1947.

Kim Boi district reaps successes in following late President’s teachings

(HBO) – Kim Boi district had the honour to welcome then President Ho Chi Minh on September 19, 1964. His thoughtful instructions and teachings at that time became a source of support and the lodestar for the local Party organisation, administration, and people to exert efforts and obtain today’s achievements.

Hoa Binh youths study, follow President Ho Chi Minh’s example

(HBO) - Studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's teachings, Hoa Binh's youths have continuously done practical jobs, and implemented a lot of good and creative models, thus contributing to building a richer, more beautiful and civilised province.

Da Bac enhances efficiency of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought application

(HBO) – As part of the efforts to implement the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat’ Directive 23-CT/TW on enhancing the quality and efficiency of studying, applying and developing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thoughts in the new period, the local Party Committee, administration and Vietnam Fatherland Front of Da Bac have strengthened the work among all political-social organisations and localities, producing positive results.

Local leader presents gifts to policy beneficiary households in Hoa Binh city

(HBO) – Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Phi Long on April 26 led a delegation to visit and present gifts to three families of those who made contributions to the revolution in Hoa Binh city, on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975 - 2023).

Ensuring the stable power supply during the holidays of April 30th and May 1st

(HBO) - To ensure the stable and safe grid operation during the holidays to celebrate Southern Liberation Day, 30 April and the International Labor Day, 1 May, Hoa Binh Power Company (Hoa Binh PC) has directed to strengthen the inspection work to overcome the shortcomings and defects on the power grid and they have performed the maintenance and cleaning of the equipment to ensure safe operation.

Sacred flag-raising ceremony on Co To Island on National Day

The island district of Co To in Quang Ninh province held a flag-raising ceremony on April 30 to celebrate the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day.

Provincial leader visits revolution contributors in Lac Son district

(HBO) – On the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975 - 2023), Bui Van Khanh, Vice Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, has visited some families of revolution contributors in Lac Son district.

The congress of the Trade Union of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for the term of 2023 - 2028

(HBO) - On April 25th, the Trade Union of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development held the 1st Congress for the term of 2023 - 2028. There was the attention of the trade representatives and the leaders from the Provincial Union of Public Employees, the officials and union members of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and its affiliated trade unions.

Hoa Binh province’s history introduced

(HBO) – A thematic exhibition on the history of Hoa Binh province between 1886 and 1975 has been opened at Thung Nai commune in Cao Phong district by the provincial museum. Photo: Delegates look at artifacts and are briefed about the history of Hoa Binh province between 1886 and 1975.

Provincial Party officials holds meeting with Tan Lac district Party Committee

(HBO) – A delegation of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee, led by Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council Bui Duc Hinh, has held a working session with the Tan Lac district Party Committee’s Standing Board to look into the local implementation of political tasks and key socio-economic development projects in the first quarter, and discuss focal duties for the time ahead.

Provincial Fatherland Front chapter urged to listen more closely to people

(HBO) - Nguyen Phi Long, an alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee, held a working session with the Party Civil Affairs Board of the provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) chapter.

Hoa Binh Party Committee Standing Board discusses important socio-economic issues

(HBO) – The Hoa Binh Party Committee Standing Board convened a regular meeting for April on April 12 under the chair of Secretary of the committee Nguyen Phi Long, during which participants focused on a number of important issues related to the local socio-economic development.

Party Committee of Hoa Binh Department of Public Security holds contest of excellent secretaries of Party cells

(HBO) - On March 28-29, the Party Committee of Hoa Binh province’s Department of Public Security held a contest of excellent secretaries of Party cells in 2023, attracting the participation of 26 candidates representing 26 subordinate Party organisations and cells.

People’s Artisan Bui Van Minh – role model to learn from

(HBO) – At the age of 45, shaman Bui Van Minh, 53, a native from Man Bui village, Van Son commune, Lac Son district, was awarded with the title of People's Artisan by the President. In 2022, he was honoured with the title of People's Artisan in the category of social customs and beliefs. He became the first person in the province to receive this distinction.

Lac Thuy district: Promoting digital transformation, building e-government

(HBO) - With the support of the Group of Community Digital Technology, Ms. Vo Thi Phuong from Lien Son village, Khoan Du commune (Lac Thuy) did not have much difficulty in completing the procedures for certifying the loan transaction contracts to develop the family economy through the online public service portal.

Hoa Binh’s desire to develop further

(HBO) - As a mountainous province with many difficulties and challenges, but with solidarity, creativity and innovation, the Party organisations and authorities of Hoa Binh province have strived to maximise its potential and advantages for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.

Hoa Binh Party Committee convenes 11th session in 2020-2025 tenure

(HBO) – The 17th Party Committee of Hoa Binh in the 2020-2025 tenure on March 30 convened the 11th plenary session, during which participants discussed a number of important issues related to the socio-economic development of the province.

Standing Board of provincial Party Committee discusses important socio-economic issues

(HBO) – The Standing Board of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee held a meeting on March 31 to give opinions on many socio-economic development issues to prepare for the coming meeting of the provincial People’s Council. Nguyen Phi Long, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, chaired the event.

The first Congress of the Women''''s Business Union of Hoa Binh province, term 2023-2028

(HBO) - On March 24, the Provincial Women's Business Union (HNDN) held the first congress, term 2023-2028 with the theme "Confidence - Integration – Development”. There was the attendance Mr. Nguyen Phi Long, the alternate member of the Central Party Committee, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Bui Van Tinh, the former member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, former Secretary of the Central Party Committee; Mr. Bui Duc Hinh, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Tran Dang Ninh, the former Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the former Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Bui Van Khanh, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Mr. Nguyen Van Quang, the former Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the former Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Ms. Tran Lan Phuong, the Vice President of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union; the provincial leaders; the leaders from the appropriate departments, branches, districts, city and 100 official delegates of the Congress.