(HBO) – Pa Co is a disadvantaged commune in Mai Chau district, Hoa Binh province. About 40km from Mai Chau district’s centre, Pa Co is home to three ethnic groups, mainly Mong people.

Hoa Binh city focuses on all-level Party congresses

(HBO) – Based on instructions of the Party Central Committee and the provincial Party Committee, the Party Committee of Hoa Binh city has issued Plan 197-KH/TH.U to direct Party committees at lower levels to seriously implement Directive 35-CT/TW on holding Party congresses at all levels towards the 13th National Party Congress.

Ky Son “awakening” land

(HBO) - After a long time of staying in quietness, Ky Son district has been known as an "awakening land" which basically has conditions for breakthrough. Boasting beautiful landscapes with plains, imposing mountains, fertile land, infrastructure connecting waterways and roads, most of the land in the district are attractive to investors.

Recalling memories of Dien Bien Phu campaign

(HBO) - In the spirit of "all for the front line, all for the victory", in 1953 – 1954, people of all ethnic groups in the province enthusiastically contributed to building warehouses and camps and providing food and foodstuff to serve the historic Dien Bien Phu campaign.

Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee convenes 20th meeting

(HBO) – The Executive Committee of the Party Organisation for the 2015- 2020 tenure of Hoa Binh province convened its 20th meeting on October 3. The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Bui Van Tinh, Deputy Secretaries of the provincial Party Committee Tran Dang Ninh and Ngo Van Tuan; and Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Bui Van Khanh, who is also Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee.

The new rhythm of life in An Binh remote commune

(HBO) - Mr. Quach Thi Lien, the Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of the commune says that there is a completely new different face in the commune. When mentioning An Binh in 2011 and earlier, there used to be a visualization of the rural area, which lacked facilities the people’s lives were really difficult. The ethnic policies, the Program of the National Environment for the New Rural Construction has helped An Binh escape from the "silence”, creating the current socio-economic progress.

Conference reviews 50-year implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s testament and 3-year implementation of Politburo’s Directive No.5-CT/TW

(HBO) – The Hoa Binh Party’s Committee has held a conference to review the 50-year implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s testament and 3-year implementation of the Politburo’s Directive No.5-CT/TW.

Deploying the peak month "For the poor"

(HBO) - The Management Board of the "For the Poor" Fund of Hoa Binh province has issued a Plan to organize the "Peak for the Poor" Month in 2019.

Prestigious people in Truong Son "model residential area"

(HBO) - Mr. Pham Van Thuoc is 68 years old. He is a chairman of Elderly Association of Truong Son Veterans Association, Ngoc Luong commune, Yen Thuy district, Hoa Binh province. Mr. Thuoc always enthusiastically participates in the local movements, making important contributions to the overall development of the village.

Cao Phong district asked to increase role models in following late leader’s teachings

(HBO) – Permanent Vice Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee Tran Dang Ninh on September 18 visited two role models in studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle in Cao Phong district.

Locals satisfied with Hoa Binh administrative service centre

(HBO) – In August 2019, the Hoa Binh Centre for Public Administrative Services received and processed 7,173 administrative requests, including 4,737 new and 2,436 old ones.

Provincial chairman holds session with authorities of Lac Son district

(HBO) – Chairman of the Hoa Binh provincial People’s Committee Bui Van Khanh and other provincial officials recently had a working session with authorities of Lac Son district to review the implementation of local tasks so far this year and work out key solutions for the remaining months of 2019.

Hoa Binh focuses on improving living conditions for Mong ethnic group

(HBO) - As part of efforts to implement Directive 45-CT/TW issued on September 23, 1994 by the seventh Party Central Committee’s Secretariat on affairs related to the Mong ethnic minority group in Hoa Binh, over the years, the province has mobilised the engagement of the whole political system and applied many measures and solutions to improve the infrastructure system and the living conditions, and preserving the cultural identity of Mong people in Hang Kia and Pa Co communes in Mai Chau district.

Hoa Binh seeks ways to harmonise economic, social matters

(HBO) – Deputy Secretary of the Hoa Binh Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Bui Van Khanh recently chaired a regular meeting of the committee for August, during which participants raise their ideas on major issues related to socio-economic development of the province.

Dong Lai Party Committee follows President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings

(HBO) – To implement the Political Bureau’s Directive No.5 on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and lifestyle, the Party Committee of Dong Lai commune, Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province, has integrated the matter into its action plans and programmes on implementation of Party resolutions at all levels.

Vocational training incorporated with demand of businesses, society

(HBO) - Nguyen Duc Cuong, Deputy Director of the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Hoa Binh province, said attention has been paid to career orientation and vocational training. Vocational training has been incorporated with demand of businesses and society, he said, adding that the number of high school graduates registering for vocational training has increased in recent years. 

Luong Son district awards winners of quiz on 50-year implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s testament

(HBO) – The Party’s Committee of Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province, recently awarded winners of the quiz on the 50-year implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s testament and reviewed the Politburo’s Directive No.5-CT/TW on studying and following the late leader’s ideology, morality and style.

Hoa Binh city engraves and implements Uncle Ho''s Will to build a rich and prosperous city

(HBO) - Every year, at the end of August, people of Hoa Binh city hang the national flags and banners to celebrate the August Revolution, National Day September 2 with the slogan "Great President Ho Chi Minh lives forever in our career".

Cao Phong district: The people agreed on the policy of rearranging communal administrative units

(HBO) - Cao Phong district has 12 communes and 1 town. Implementing the policy of rearranging communal administrative units, the district has been reviewed about area and population of communes in the district. Thereby, the whole district has 5 communes which will be rearranged.

Hoa Binh focuses on removing obstacles for investment projects

(HBO) - On August 28, Bui Van Tinh, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee chaired a conference of the provincial Party Committee’s standing board on a number of important issues.

Hoa Binh boarding school realises Uncle Ho’s teachings

(HBO) – Bearing in mind President Ho Chi Minh’s request of "studying well, working well, exerting efforts forever and pursuing progress forever,” the Boarding School for Ethnic Minority Students of Hoa Binh has been striving to complete political tasks to deserve the trust of the Party Committee, administration and people from ethnic groups of the province.

Provincial leader visits Cao Phong – Thach Yen revolutionary base

(HBO) – Bui Van Tinh, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the Hoa Binh provincial Party Committee, visited and presented gifts to the Party organisation, authorities and residents of the Cao Phong – Thach Yen revolutionary base on August 26, an activity to mark the 74th National Day (September 2).

Party secretary inspects Tan Lac’s implementation of Programme 135

(HBO) - Bui Van Tinh, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, had a working session and inspected the implementation of Programme 135 under the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction for 2016 -2020 in Tan Lac district.

Mai Chau district forever engraved the Will of President Ho Chi Minh

(HBO) - 50 years ago, President Ho Chi Minh wrote the Will. Recognizing the great value of the Will, during the past years, Mai Chau district has strengthened propaganda and implementation.

Hoa Binh leader works with Hoa Lac Hi-tech Park

(HBO) – Vice Secretary of the Hoa Binh Party’s Committee Ngo Van Tuan had a working session with leaders of the Hoa Lac Hi-tech Park’s management board led by acting director Luu Hoang Long on August 21.